Идиомы на букву T

  • tough it out
    пережить трудную ситуацию
    Joe was in low water for some time, but finally he toughed it out.
  • tight spot
    трудная ситуация
    The school lacked skilled teachers, so the director was in a very tight spot.
  • to some extent
    в какой-то мере, частично
    I liked the book to some extent, but actually it was not quite what I had expected it to be.
  • think back on (someone or something)
    вспоминать о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    When Gina thinks back on her married life, she remembers how unhappy she was.
  • throw together (people)
    оказаться в группе случайных людей
    A group of strangers was thrown together when the storm trapped them in the mountains.
  • to mean business
    быть серьёзно готовым к действию, быть настроенным на работу
    Mr. Josef Parker meant business when he said that he was going to take over the management of the company.
  • try on (something)
    мерить (одежду)
    Sue tried on several pairs of sandals before she found one to her liking.
  • try (something) out on (someone)
    испытать что-либо на ком-либо
    I was able to cook all kinds of inexpensive dishes and try them out on Noel.
  • tried-and-true
    проверено временем
    I decided to use a tried-and-true method to remove stains from my dress.
  • tightfisted/closefisted (with money)
    Ogden's father is tightfisted with money, and he wouldn't give his son an allowance.
  • trip up
    ошибиться, запнуться
    While reading a difficult text, Billy tripped up several times.
  • time was (when)
    было время когда
    Time was when everybody in our town kept their doors unlocked all of the time.
  • true to form
    как и ожидалось
    True to form the secretary refused to do any work after office hours.
  • to bundle up
    закутаться, тепло одеться
    There is no need for you to bundle up; it's quite warm outside.
  • talk of (somewhere)
    предмет разговора (где-либо)
    The recent arrest of the prominent banker has become the talk of the town.
  • to sign on the dotted line
    поставить (свою) подпись в указанном месте
    At the post office they handed me a parcel and told me to sign on the dotted line.
  • to matter
    иметь значение
    It does not matter if he wins in a swimming competition or not.
  • toing and froing (on something)
    склоняться то в одну, то в другую сторону; менять решение относительно чего-либо
    Lana has been toing and froing for a long time on changing her job.
  • toot/blow one's own horn
    хвастаться или похваляться
    You are easily tired of a person who is always blowing his own horn.
  • truth will out
    правда выйдет наружу
    I am sure that finally the truth will out and I will know exactly who has stolen my cell phone.
  • trouble oneself about (someone or something)
    беспокоиться о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    "I wish you would not trouble yourself about such trifles."
  • to the ends of the earth
    на краю земли, глухое и труднодоступное место
    Ardent travelers are ready to go to the ends of the earth to see something unusual.
  • try one's luck at (something)
    попытать счастья
    Helen decided to try her luck at buying a ticket to the theatre just before the performance.
  • tear off
    поспешно уйти или убежать
    I was eager to show my friend my purchases, but she suddenly tore off.
  • to cease and desist
    не подлежать обжалованию, окончательный приговор
    To cease and desist means that one should stop doing something forever and not start again.
  • to harp on (something)
    надоедливо толковать об одном и том же, "завести волынку"
    Alice bores me stiff; she is always harping on her problems.
  • thumbs up on (someone or something)
    одобрять что-либо или чьи-либо действия
    We were very pleased that everybody had voted thumbs up on our project.
  • to and fro
    взад и вперёд, туда и сюда
    The train was full of people; the guard went to and fro opening and closing the doors.
  • to the core
    целиком, глубоко, насквозь
    The police system in that country was rotten to the core.
  • throw (someone) for a loss
    заставить кого-либо сомневаться; быть в растерянности
    It threw Jane for a loss when she failed the test in French.
  • toe the line/mark
    подчиняться правилам, слушаться
    The new teacher is strict and she will make the students toe the line.
  • take a shot/stab at (doing something)
    попытаться сделать что-либо
    Helen decided to take a shot at painting still-life.
  • think little of (someone or something)
    быть неважного мнения о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Personally I think very little of his acting.
  • think out loud
    размышлять вслух
    When I am alone, I often think out loud.
  • touch/hit/strike a raw nerve
    задеть за живое
    My friend didn't understand that she had touched a raw nerve when she had asked me about my relationship with Mark.