Идиомы на букву T

  • tear down (someone)
    говорить плохо о ком-либо, критиковать
    The speaker tore down one of the city authorities for his poor job performance.
  • take a chance/risk
    If I were you I would take a chance and find a better job.
  • throw one's hands up in despair
    возвести руки вверх в порыве отчаяния
    I threw my hands up in despair; I didn't know whom to turn for help.
  • to strike out
    нанести сильные удары
    Mark lost his temper and struck out wildly.
  • to skip bail
    не появиться в суде, несмотря на внесённый ранее залог
    "I cannot guarantee that the man won't run away; he may easily skip bail."
  • tourist trap
    слишком дорогое удовольствие (для туристов)
    I don't want to go to Jamaica for my holiday; I think it to be a tourist trap.
  • top (something) off with (something)
    закончить чем-либо
    Richard batted three runs and topped off the game with a home run.
  • tell it like it is
    говорить как есть, говорить правду
    I decided to be honest with my friend concerning our relationship and tell it like it is.
  • thick
    тупой, неразумный
    Blondes are considered to be pretty thick.
  • turn thumbs down on (someone or something)
    быть против, запрещать
    Everyone turned thumbs down on his suggestion.
  • turn over (an engine)
    завести мотор
    I think the battery is dead that's why the engine won't turn over.
  • throw (someone) off (someone's) trail
    сбить кого-либо со следа
    Even if he managed to throw the police off his trail, his landlady, Miss Bunting, would give him away.
  • tied up
    быть занятым
    He can't see you now. He's tied up on the telephone.
  • to be hot and bothered
    быть обеспокоенным и недовольным
    Liza was hot and bothered about something, but we didn't know what the matter was.
  • to be rolling in (something)
    иметь большое количество чего-либо (обычно денег)
    Mr. Hobson was rolling in money and didn't have to work.
  • take (someone) for an idiot/fool
    принимать кого-либо за идиота, за дурака
    "Am I supposed to believe all that crap? Do you take me for a fool?"
  • turn over (something) to (someone)
    отдать, передать что-либо кому-либо
    Hillary turned her library books over to the librarian, Mrs. Gorring.
  • to turn out (something)
    производить, выпускать что-либо
    Huge power driven presses are capable of turning out 120,000 copies of a big newspaper in an hour.
  • tell (someone) where to get off
    ругать кого-либо, пробирать
    Rick was playing loud music late at night and I told him where to get off.
  • tough break
    неудачное событие, злоключение
    "It was a tough break; my date didn't show up."
  • trouble (someone) for (something)
    просить кого-либо о чём-либо
    "May I trouble you for a match?"
  • to stretch the truth
    представлять в ложном свете, давать неправильные сведения
    I think the witness was stretching the truth a little when she characterized the accused as a pessimist.
  • tempest in a teapot
    волнение из-за пустяков, "буря в стакане воды"
    "Your difficulty is just a tempest in a teapot, and I am sure it will dissolve in a few days."
  • throw (someone's) name around
    произвести впечатление, упомянув имя знаменитости
    Jennet likes to throw the names of influential persons around.
  • TGIF
    Thank Goodness (God) It's Friday - Слава богу! Сегодня пятница
    In the window the cafe had a large TGIF sign which said that all drinks were half price.
  • trip the light fantastic
    идти на танцы
    It was Saturday night, so my friends and I went downtown to trip the light fantastic.
  • TA
    Teaching Assistant - помощник учителя
    Wanda didn't have much experience in teaching and was able to get only the job as a TA at the community college.
  • two-faced
    неискренний, двуликий
    Don't confide too much in Dana as she has the reputation of being two-faced.
  • talk (someone) down in price
    уговорить кого-либо снизить цену
    I tried to talk the man down in price for the car, but he didn't comply.
  • tan (someone's) hide
    наказать, нашлёпать кого-либо
    I told my brother that I would tan his hide if he used my computer again.
  • throw in (something)
    добавлять, давать в придачу
    The shop advertised that with every suit of clothes they would throw in a pair of leather gloves.
  • through hell and high water
    (пройти) через всевозможные трудности, (пройти) огонь и воду
    Mark is a very reliable man; I could go through hell and high water with him.
  • tuck into (something)
    есть что-либо с удовольствием
    There were a lot of tasty things on the table and the children tucked into their dinner as soon as they sat down.
  • time of one's life
    замечательное, удивительное время
    Nancy had the time of her life at the party.
  • tilt at windmills
    сражаться с ветряными мельницами, донкихотствовать
    Leo is a bore; when it comes to departmental meetings, he wastes everybody's time by constantly tilting at windmills.