Идиомы на букву T

  • too many irons in the fire
    слишком много дел сразу
    There were too many irons in the fire and all the undertakings needed my attention at the same time.
  • to hem and haw
    увиливать от ответа; быть уклончивым
    Len hemmed and hawed when I asked him if he would take part in the outing.
  • to show off
    пытаться привлечь внимание, "пускать пыль в глаза"
    Mark enjoyed being in the center of everyone's attention; he was definitely showing off.
  • take steps to (prevent/do something)
    принять меры (чтобы предотвратить что-либо)
    They have installed the fire alarm system in order to take steps and be warned in case of fire.
  • tough act to follow
    превосходное исполнение
    Her performance of Desdemona was a tough act to follow in every sense.
  • too bad
    очень жаль
    It was too bad Sara had smallpox when the circus came to town.
  • to boot
    к тому же, в придачу
    Evelyn not only got fifty dollars as a reward, but they bought her dinner to boot.
  • thirst/thirsty for (something)
    страстное желание, жажда чего-либо
    The young woman has an unusual thirst for traveling.
  • to mix up (something)
    перепутать что-либо, ошибиться
    I made a mistake the other day; I mixed up the dates of my father's arrival.
  • touch off
    стать причиной (взрыва), воспламенить что-либо
    The boy touched off a firecracker.
  • two cents
    незначительный, грошёвый
    My computer is not in a very good working condition, and they won't give me two cents for it.
  • two strikes against someone
    две упущенный возможности, так что остаётся только один шанс
    Poor Lorna has two strikes against her when it comes to her love for Frank: first she is too fat and second she is too silly.
  • to be sure
    без сомнения, конечно
    Felix works slowly, to be sure, but he does a good job.
  • tune out (someone or something)
    игнорировать кого-либо \ что-либо, не слушать
    I am able to work in a noisy environment because I can simply tune it out.
  • to date
    вплоть до настоящего времени, пока что
    The police have not found the criminal to date.
  • thankful for small blessings
    быть благодарным (даже) за малое благодеяние
    I am thankful for small blessings when it concerns my family's peaceful and healthy life.
  • TBA
    To Be Announced - подлежит объявлению (позднее)
    I looked at the Board to find out the time of the arrival of my train but it only said TBA.
  • twist (someone's) words around
    исказить чьи-либо слова
    My sister twisted my words around when she told my mother about my problems at work.
  • topsy-turvy
    вверх ногами, в беспорядке
    Gilda's world became topsy-turvy when her husband filed for a divorce.
  • to mean nothing to (someone)
    не иметь никакого значения для кого-либо
    Ben is very frivolous, and to break his promise means nothing to him.
  • third degree
    допрос с пристрастием, допрос с применением пытки
    Mary's husband is extremely jealous and she is often given the third degree.
  • to stand trial
    быть под судом
    Bella Summerfield will have to stand trial for forgery.
  • tune in (a radio)
    настраивать радиоприёмник
    Bob tuned in his portable radio to listen to music.
  • tune up (a musical instrument)
    настраивать (музыкальный инструмент)
    The orchestra came out onto the stage and began to tune up for the concert.
  • throw up one's hands (in despair/frustration)
    возвести руки вверх в порыве отчаяния или разочарования
    I threw my hands up in despair; I didn't know whom to turn for help.
  • to mix it up
    спорить или драться
    In the park I saw two groups of young men who were mixing it up.
  • to show cause
    давать объяснение
    The man was asked to show cause as to why he had assaulted a passer-by.
  • to the wall
    (прижать) к стене, поставить в безвыходное положение
    Cynthia failed the last test, and it drove her to the wall.
  • to put it mildly
    мягко говоря
    After what they did for Steve, his behavior toward them, to put it mildly, was rather strange.
  • to be hale and hearty
    (быть) крепким и бодрым (обычно о старых людях)
    Nick's Uncle Ben was hale and hearty in his old age.
  • to the tune of (an amount of money)
    в размере, на сумму
    We had to pay to the tune of twenty dollars to be admitted to the amusement park in Springfield.
  • take off clothes/shoes etc.
    снять одежду \ обувь
    "You are wet through. Please, take off your clothes and leave them in the bathroom."
  • to horse around
    шуметь, возиться
    The children were horsing around in the back yard.
  • to the best of one's knowledge
    насколько мне известно
    To the best of my knowledge the Browns are a very devoted couple.
  • thumb/hitch a ride
    путешествовать (бесплатно) на попутных машинах
    Martin and Jimmy, who were hitch-hiking, thumbed a lift to the nearest town.