Идиомы на букву G
go to bat for someone
помочь, поддержать кого-либо"I'd like you to go to bat for me during my exams."
give (someone) a head start
дать кому-либо фору; рывок вперёд на стартеThey gave him a head start in the orientiring contest.
goof off
слоняться без дела, "филонить"Rick came at six, goofed off for an hour and then left.
get through (something)
справиться с чем-либо, выдержать (экзамен)Dana though not hungry got through dinner quickly.
get a raise
получить повышение заработной платыJack works hard and hopes to get a raise in his new job.
go to one's head
вызывать головокружениеRobert seemed to have had too much whiskey because the drink went to his head.
get the ax
быть уволенным, "вылетить с работы"Henry got the ax because he had spoken rudely to his boss.
get the short end of the stick
получить меньше, чем другиеCora was the youngest child in a big family and she often got the short end of the stick.
get in on the ground floor
начать с начала (в надежде на будущий успех)"If I were you, I would get in on the ground floor of your new job."
go whole hog
делать всё возможноеThey went whole hog in their effort to make sure that the contest would be a success.
give (something) a shot
попытаться делать что-либо, начать что-либоI am going to give tennis a shot.
get an earful
выслушивать критику, жалобыThe dean often gets an earful when he asks the students if they have any complaints.
get at (something)
иметь в виду"What were you getting at when you said this?"
get hold of (something)
приобрести что-либо"I hear you have got hold of a beautiful car."
go back on one's word
нарушить обещаниеMy friend went back on his word, and I don't trust him now.
get a run for one's money
получить всё сполна за свои деньги; получить то, что заслуживаешьDavid got a run for his money when he decided to take part in car races.
get the boot
уволить, выгнатьThe man got the boot from the cafe because he had drunk too much.
go through the roof
взлететь (о ценах)The price of old houses suddenly went through the roof.
get a raw deal
несправедливое или плохое обращениеAngie got a raw deal from her stepfather.
get out of bed on the wrong side
встать с левой ноги, быть в плохом настроенииJim hasn't spoken to any of us all day; he must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side.
go under the knife
пойти на хирургическую операцию, "лечь под нож"Henry went under the knife and survived the operation.
get mad at (someone or something)
сильно злиться на кого-либо/ чего-либоMy hair dryer wouldn't work and I got mad at it.
go with the flow
делать то, что делают другие; "плыть по течению"When Sam was young, he preferred to go with the flow and did what others told him to do.
go to bed with the chickens
рано ложиться спатьWhen I stayed with my grandparents, I had to go to bed with the chickens.
get the picture
полностью понять ситуациюWhen Fisher arrived at the scene of the crime, he immediately got the picture of what had happened.
go with (something)
подходить к чему-либо, гармонировать с чем-либоI thought the music went well with the film.
get behind
отставатьI was afraid that I might get behind with my work.
go against the grain
идти против природы или склонности к чему-либо"Your unfriendly attitude goes against the grain of good manners."
get the better of (someone)
преодолеть, справиться; получить преимущество над кем-либо, победитьSam was trying to get the better of the stupor that had come over him.
go off the deep end
выйти из себя, потерять самообладаниеShe went off the deep end when she heard silly rumours about her private life.
good together
хорошо ладить друг с другом, никогда не ссоритьсяMax and Gina are very good together; I for one have never seen them quarrel.
give (someone) the red-carpet treatment
оказать почётный приёмThe US President was given the red-carpet treatment during his visit to France.
get the show on the road
начать работать над чем-либо"Let's get the show on the road and start reading for our exams."
get carried away
быть захваченным эмоциями или энтузиазмомAnna got carried away and cleaned the whole house.
get back at (someone)
отомститьMark has let me down, and I want to get back at him.