Идиомы на букву G

  • get on one's high horse
    вести себя высокомерно, важничать
    Alice is very bossy; when she gets on her high horse, there is no stopping her.
  • get out of hand
    выйти из повиновения
    The meeting got out of hand and the police asked the participants to disperse.
  • give-and-take
    компромисс, взаимные уступки
    There's got to be lots of give-and-take in the family life.
  • get down to (something)
    начать делать что-либо, взяться за дело
    "Now, children, let's get down to work and do a few exercises."
  • give (someone) the eye
    посмотреть на кого-либо неприязненно
    I gave the young man the eye because I didn't like the way he was being downright rude to his mother.
  • get cracking
    поторопиться, начать двигаться
    You are to get cracking on this picture if you want to see it exhibited.
  • give (someone) the once-over
    охватить взглядом, быстро осмотреть
    We gave them the once-over but we didn't like what we saw.
  • get through to (someone)
    заставить кого-либо понять что-либо, "достучаться до кого-либо"
    Maria is very stubborn and I often have difficulty in trying to get through to her.
  • get a break
    получить значительную скидку, послабление (в цене)
    Tim managed to get a break on the price of the furniture and saved much money.
  • get serious
    становиться серьёзными и длительными (о взаимоотношениях)
    Peter and Samantha had been dating for a few months before they began to get serious.
  • give oneself up
    сдаться, перестать сопротивляться
    When they saw that they were surrounded by the enemy soldiers, they gave themselves up.
  • get a feel for (something)
    привыкнуть к чему-либо; научиться
    George hasn't got a feel for his new job yet.
  • grab a bite to eat
    поесть, перекусить
    They stopped at a small inn to grab a bite to eat.
  • get to one's feet
    The students got to their feet at the end of the lecture.
  • get even (with someone)
    отплатить кому-либо, поквитаться с кем-либо
    Alan decided to get even with his girl friend for having walked out on him.
  • give ground
    уступать, отступать, сдавать свои позиции
    We must learn to give ground in order to gain further ground later.
  • get (someone) out of one's hair
    перестать надоедать кому-либо
    Eliza tried hard to get her younger sister out of her hair.
  • give the devil his due
    отдавать должное противнику\ плохому человеку
    Julian is not much of a doctor. However, you have to give the devil his due - his patients like him.
  • get (something) straight
    ясно понять что-либо
    "I am sorry but I can't possibly get straight what you want me to do."
  • get one's fill of (someone or something)
    получить что-либо сполна, иметь достаточно общения с кем-либо
    I have got my fill of his presence and I don't want to see him again.
  • get gray hair
    поседеть (в результате стресса)
    Ms Ross was getting gray hair from her son; he was her constant worry.
  • give (someone) the runaround
    увиливать от ответа, дать уклончивый ответ
    The bank manager gave me the runaround when I came to get a loan.
  • get (something) out of the way
    сделать, закончить что-либо
    I got my exams out of the way and I can start enjoying myself.
  • get one's sea legs
    привыкнуть к чему-либо (например, к движению корабля)
    I couldn't get my sea legs on board the ship for a long time.
  • give (someone) the creeps
    нагнать страху на кого-либо, "мурашки по спине бегают"
    Denny didn't like the place; it gave him the creeps.
  • get off
    отделаться или избежать наказания
    "I am going to punish you and you won't get off this time."
  • grass is always greener on the other side
    нам кажется, что то чего у нас нет, лучше того, что у нас есть
    "Don't quit your present job; don't think that grass is always greener on the other side."
  • get with it
    быть внимательным; заняться делом
    The traffic policeman told the driver to get with it or he might meet with an accident.
  • get a slap on the wrist
    понести небольшое наказание
    The principal gave the student a slap on the wrist for having damaged a piece of school furniture.
  • give (someone) the slip
    удрать от кого-либо, улизнуть
    "Don't try to give me the slip or you'll get it hot!"
  • gray matter
    мозг, серое вещество
    The detective used his gray matter and effectively solved the murder of an old woman.
  • get to the heart of (something)
    докопаться до сути дела
    "How am I supposed to get to the heart of the matter if you don't want to give me all the facts?"
  • give credit where credit is due
    воздать должное, поблагодарить, выразить признание
    I wanted to give credit where credit is due and thanked the lifeguard who had saved me from drowning.
  • go to (someone's) head
    The boy has won the figure skating competition and the victory has gone to his head.
  • get a fix on (something)
    получить изображение чего-либо ( при помощи электронных средств)
    They couldn't get a fix on the island because it was too far away.