Идиомы на букву G
get on the good side of (someone)
заслужить чью-либо благосклонность, расположить кого-либо к себеGeorge gave Pat gifts and flowers trying to get on the good side of her.
good deal
удачная покупка (хорошее качество по низкой цене)One can usually get good deal on clothes during the sales.
good egg
хороший человекJim is a good egg; he is very thoughtful and obliging.
Good grief!
Боже мой! (выражение удивления)"Good grief! It's 12 a.m. and the children are not in bed yet."
good old days
старые добрые временаThey sat and talked about good old days.
good riddance
избавление от чего-либо неприятного, "скатертью дорога"I had broken the plate with a crack and I said good riddance when I threw it into the garbage.
good riddance to bad rubbish
хорошо, что избавились; "баба с возу - кобыле легче""Good riddance to bad rubbish! I never liked my roommate and I was glad that he had left."
good sport
кто-либо, кто умеет проигрыватьDenny was a good sport and he never complained about losing.
good together
хорошо ладить друг с другом, никогда не ссоритьсяMax and Gina are very good together; I for one have never seen them quarrel.
бесполезный, ни на что не годныйMike Loader is a good-for-nothing man and a lazy worker into the bargain.