Идиомы на букву G

  • give (someone) a piece of one's mind
    ругать кого-либо, сердиться на кого-либо
    Susan has let me down, and I am going to give her a piece of my mind.
  • give away (a secret)
    выдать (секрет)
    "Don't worry; I am not going to give away your intentions."
  • greatest thing since sliced bread
    самая лучшая, потрясающая (вещь)
    The invention of television is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  • get (something) out of (something)
    извлекать выгоду(пользу) из чего-либо
    She will never be able to get anything out of studying anthropology.
  • get one's bearings
    осмотреться, определить своё местоположение
    Let's get our bearings before we go any farther.
  • get hitched
    пожениться, выйти замуж
    John and Mary surprised us all; they got hitched yesterday.
  • get it
    понять, уяснить
    "Why aren't you laughing? The joke is quite funny. - I didn't get it."
  • get off to a flying start
    успешно начаться
    Adam's small business got off to a flying start, but then the things went slack.
  • give one's eye teeth (to do something)
    очень хотеть сделать что-либо, готов всё отдать
    George would give his eye teeth to move to Chicago.
  • get engaged
    быть помолвленным
    I heard rumors that Ben had got engaged; his fiancee was a widow with a handsome income.
  • get off the ground
    успешно начать, подняться с нуля
    Ashley is not much of a businessman and his printing business never got off the ground.
  • green
    неопытный незрелый человек, "салага"
    "I want you to instruct this new worker; he is green and he doesn't know his job yet."
  • go over like a lead balloon
    провалиться с треском
    His project went over like a lead balloon and he was very upset.
  • give (someone) the third degree
    допросить кого-либо с пристрастием
    The detective gave the suspect the third degree.
  • grin and bear it
    стойко и с юмором перенести что-либо неприятное
    "If someone is angry with you, just grin and bear it."
  • go-getter
    энергичный, удачливый, предприимчивый человек
    I am not much of a go-getter. I work a lot but with very little success.
  • get (something) out of one's system
    избавиться от желания что-либо делать
    "I want you to get gossiping out of your system."
  • give (someone) a clean bill of health
    выдать кому-либо справку о (хорошем) состоянии здоровья
    Jacob hoped that his doctor would give him a clean bill of health during the recent checkup.
  • get rid of (something)
    избавиться от чего-либо
    I avdised him to get rid of his bad habits.
  • give (someone) a hand with (something)
    помочь кому-либо в чём-либо
    My Mom does the laundry twice a week and Dad often gives her a hand with ironing.
  • give (someone or something) the thumbs up
    выступить в поддержку кого-либо \ чего-либо
    The city gave the art festival organizers the thumbs up.
  • get off on the wrong foot
    плохо начать (в отношении с кем-либо, относительно чего-либо)
    Peggy got off on the wrong foot with her boss since her first day of work.
  • get in (someone's) hair
    раздражать кого-либо
    "Your behavior gets in my hair."
  • give three cheers for (someone)
    хвалить кого-либо, прокричать троекратное 'ура' в честь кого-либо
    The football fans gave three cheers for their favorite team after they won the match.
  • good sport
    кто-либо, кто умеет проигрывать
    Denny was a good sport and he never complained about losing.
  • get one's own way
    добиваться своего; делать, как хочется
    Marion is very persistent; she always gets her own way in everything.
  • give (someone) the ax
    внезапно уволить кого-либо
    They gave the new employee the ax because he was negligent of his duties.
  • get/have a lump in one's throat
    почувствовать комок в горле (от волнения)
    While watching the film "Stepmother" I got a lump in my throat.
  • go downhill
    становиться всё хуже и хуже, ухудшаться, "катиться под гору"
    The economy of that country has been going downhill for quite some time.
  • give up the ghost
    испустить дух, умереть; перестать работать
    John Wain was twenty three when his old man gave up the ghost.
  • give (something) one's best shot
    очень постараться сделать что-либо
    I don't have much experience teaching English, but I like doing it and will give it my best shot.
  • grin from ear to ear
    широко улыбаться
    David was grinning from ear to ear when we met; he was obviously glad to see me.
  • get back together
    возобновить отношения после разлада
    Diane hoped that some day Mark and she would get back together.
  • get a move on
    поспешить, поторопиться
    "You'll have to get a move on if you want to get to the station in time."
  • get off one's high horse
    перестать важничать
    I wish George would get off his high horse as it is very annoying.