Идиомы на букву G
grain of truth
небольшая доля правды"I am sure there isn't a grain of truth in what you said during the trial."
get around
повсюду ездить, путешествоватьI like to get around and I have been to many countries in Europe.
go on a fishing expedition
пытаться обнаружить информациюWhile investigating the murder case the detective had to go on a fishing expedition to try and find as much information as possible.
get across
объяснить, заставить понятьJimmy tried to get across the importance of using modern equipment.
get/have the green light
получить добро, получить зелёный светThey got the green light to begin working at their project.
get one's hands on (someone or something)
найти кого-либо \ что-либо (с трудом)Jimmy was trying hard to get his hands on the documents.
get the feel of (something)
освоиться с чем-либоIf you keep practising, you will soon get the feel of it.
get (someone's) number
составить мнение о ком-либо, "раскусить человека"Santana and Kim got their new roommate's number pretty soon.
get the eye from (someone)
поймать чей-либо враждебный взглядAs I approached the counter, I got the eye from the bartender and I wondered what the matter was.
get up on the wrong side of the bed
встать с левой ноги, быть в плохом настроении"You must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning that's why you are in a bad mood."
give (something) a whirl
пробовать делать что-либоSue made up her mind to give dancing a whirl so she joined a folk dance club.
get involved with (someone)
связаться с кем-либо (часто романтически)Gina has got involved with Jack; they have been going out for a few months already.
get along on a shoestring
быть стеснённым в средствах, иметь очень мало денегAfter her husband's death Linda had to get along on a shoestring.
get out of a jam
освободиться, избавиться от проблемы или от неблагоприятной ситуацииThey managed to get out of a jam only when a new air conditioner was installed.
get one's say
выразить своё мнение, высказатьсяThe atmosphere at the meeting was very favorable, and everyone was able to get their say.
give (someone) one's word
пообещать, дать слово кому-либоI gave her my word to help her and I intend to keep my promise.
give (someone) a swelled head
стать тщеславным, вскружить кому-либо головуRon had won the swimming championship and the victory gave him a swelled head.
go head to head with (someone)
соревноваться с кем-либо на равныхJack went head to head with his opponent in the tennis competition.
get under way
начинатьсяThe jazz concert got under way early that evening.
give (someone) a blank check
предоставить кому-либо полную свободу действийThe government gave the Minister of Education a blank check to improve the situation.
get the runaround
получить уклончивай ответSimon didn't expect to get the runaround when he went to the bank to ask for a loan.
get away with murder
избежать сурового наказания"You've broken your sister's favorite toy. Don't think you will be able to get away with murder."
give (someone) a break
дать кому-либо шанс"If only they would have given me a break! I would have done the job better."
get into the act
пытаться участвовать в чем-либоWe played games at the barbeque and everybody wanted to get into the act.
get the third degree
быть допрошенным с пристрастиемThe student got the third degree after he had missed a lot of classes.
get a toehold (somewhere)
получить точку опоры, поддержку где-либоThey have been able to get a toehold in the car market.
give (someone) a fair shake
относиться к кому-либо по справедливостиFelix was a skilled worker, and the company gave the new employee a fair shake.
give (someone) a tongue-lashing
ругать кого-либо, распекатьMs. Rotenberg gave her son a tongue-lashing when she learnt about his bad behavior at school.
get out of (someone's) face
оставить кого-либо в покое, уйти с глаз долойEva irritates me no end; I wish she would get out of my face.
Get lost!
Уйди! Отстань!My little sister was bothering me with her silly questions so I told her to get lost.
get ahead
продвинуться, преуспетьCollin works day and night at his new project in order to get ahead.
get to the root of the problem
дойти до основания (сути) проблемыStuart was determined to get to the root of the problem about the funds.
get on in years
старетьElla's parents were getting on in years and she decided to move closer to them.
get one's just deserts
получить по заслугамThe accountant was fired for swindling; I think she got her just deserts.
get away
спастись, удратьThe thief managed to get way through the window.