Идиомы на букву G
go into detail
вдаваться в подробности"In your report don't go into detail about the production of steel."
go so far as to say (something)
выразить что-либо словамиThe college president went so far as to say that he was going to retire next year.
go without saying
само собой разумеетсяIt goes without saying that we like hard-working and serious people.
go too far
делать больше допустимого, слишком далеко зайтиCora went too far when she accused her friend of lying.
gum up
приводить в неисправность, засорятьThe sink in the kitchen gummed up so badly that I had to call in a plumber.
gone to meet one's maker
умерший, "отправившийся к праотцам"The policeman had to tell Mrs. Rain that her husband had gone to meet his maker.
go down in history
войти в историюThe battle at Traffalger went down in history.
gun for (something)
упорно добиваться чего-либо (напр. продвижения по службе)Sally has been gunning for promotion since the day she started to work for that firm.
go through changes
испытать много переменThe woman has gone through many changes since her divorce.
grunt work
трудная и неблагодарная работаAll grunt work at home comes to my Mom as a rule.
go ape
сильно разволноваться или вести себя как сумасшедшийMy friend went ape when I told him that I had broken his car.
grounds for (something)
основание для чего-либоI don't think there are any grounds for the man being prosecuted under law.
go off half-cocked
действовать или говорить без подготовки"Your speech should be thoroughly prepared; you can't go off half-cocked."
go into (something) with one's eyes closed/shut
пойти на что-либо бессознательно, не учитывая трудности и не имея достоверной информацииCharles must have gone into the business affairs with his eyes shut otherwise he wouldn't have got involved.
go wrong
что-то не в порядке, что-то не такSomething has gone wrong with my electric iron.
General Practitioner - врач терапевтI had to see a GP before I joined the university football team.
greasy spoon
забегаловкаI don't want to have lunch at a greasy spoon.
gross out (someone)
вызвать отвращение, быть противнымI don't like action movies; sceens of violence in them gross me out.
go under
потерпеть неудачу, провалить(ся), обанкротитьсяThe performance went under right after the first act.
gun for (someone)
искать случая, чтобы причинить вред кому-либоJack had been gunning for his neighbor for no reason at all.
gospel truth
истинная правда, непререкаемая истинаI don't think he told me the gospel truth that's why I didn't believe him.
go astray
сбиться (с пути), затерять(ся)My watch has gone astray and I have no hope of finding it.
go down fighting
бороться, драться до концаThe chief executive was determined to go down fighting to try and keep his position.
go a long way toward (something)
быть достаточным, хватить надолго (о деньгах, продуктах)We are going to camp out and we hope the food will go a long way toward the end of camp.
go stir-crazy
забеспокоиться, "запсиховать", находясь в ограниченном пространствеAfter a few months of confinement he began to go stir-crazy.
go along with (someone or something)
соглашаться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, сотрудничать, содействовать кому-либо \ чему-либоEverybody went along with my proposal to arrange a get-together party on one of the weekends.
go without (something)
обходиться без чего-либоOne can't go without food for more than a week.
gold mine of information
кладезь информации"You have helped me a lot; you are a real gold mine of information."
go out for (something)
заниматься чем-либо (обычно спортом)Rita's husband is going out for golf this summer.
go after (someone)
искать, пытаться поймать кого-то"Don't drive very fast or the police will go after you."
guest of honor
почётный гостьA few retired workers were guests of honor at the company banquet.
guard against (someone or something)
оберегать кого-либо от чего-либо, охранятьThe lifeguard told the swimming instructor to guard the people against rough waves.
go into orbit
рассердиться, выйти из себяHarry went into orbit when his wife had spent all of their money.
go the limit
делать всё возможноеAlan went the limit, trying to attract Emily's attention.
go to waste
пропадать даромIt would be a pity if all this food went to waste.