Идиомы на букву G

  • GMT
    Greenwich Mean Time - время по Гринвичскому меридиану
    GMT is a place near London which is used as the standard for time around the world
  • gum up
    приводить в неисправность, засорять
    The sink in the kitchen gummed up so badly that I had to call in a plumber.
  • go so far as to say (something)
    выразить что-либо словами
    The college president went so far as to say that he was going to retire next year.
  • go too far
    делать больше допустимого, слишком далеко зайти
    Cora went too far when she accused her friend of lying.
  • go without saying
    само собой разумеется
    It goes without saying that we like hard-working and serious people.
  • grunt work
    трудная и неблагодарная работа
    All grunt work at home comes to my Mom as a rule.
  • go down in history
    войти в историю
    The battle at Traffalger went down in history.
  • gone to meet one's maker
    умерший, "отправившийся к праотцам"
    The policeman had to tell Mrs. Rain that her husband had gone to meet his maker.
  • gun for (something)
    упорно добиваться чего-либо (напр. продвижения по службе)
    Sally has been gunning for promotion since the day she started to work for that firm.
  • go ape
    сильно разволноваться или вести себя как сумасшедший
    My friend went ape when I told him that I had broken his car.
  • go through changes
    испытать много перемен
    The woman has gone through many changes since her divorce.
  • gross out (someone)
    вызвать отвращение, быть противным
    I don't like action movies; sceens of violence in them gross me out.
  • grounds for (something)
    основание для чего-либо
    I don't think there are any grounds for the man being prosecuted under law.
  • greasy spoon
    I don't want to have lunch at a greasy spoon.
  • go under
    потерпеть неудачу, провалить(ся), обанкротиться
    The performance went under right after the first act.
  • go off half-cocked
    действовать или говорить без подготовки
    "Your speech should be thoroughly prepared; you can't go off half-cocked."
  • GP
    General Practitioner - врач терапевт
    I had to see a GP before I joined the university football team.
  • go wrong
    что-то не в порядке, что-то не так
    Something has gone wrong with my electric iron.
  • go into (something) with one's eyes closed/shut
    пойти на что-либо бессознательно, не учитывая трудности и не имея достоверной информации
    Charles must have gone into the business affairs with his eyes shut otherwise he wouldn't have got involved.
  • gospel truth
    истинная правда, непререкаемая истина
    I don't think he told me the gospel truth that's why I didn't believe him.
  • gun for (someone)
    искать случая, чтобы причинить вред кому-либо
    Jack had been gunning for his neighbor for no reason at all.
  • go astray
    сбиться (с пути), затерять(ся)
    My watch has gone astray and I have no hope of finding it.
  • go a long way toward (something)
    быть достаточным, хватить надолго (о деньгах, продуктах)
    We are going to camp out and we hope the food will go a long way toward the end of camp.
  • go along with (someone or something)
    соглашаться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, сотрудничать, содействовать кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Everybody went along with my proposal to arrange a get-together party on one of the weekends.
  • go down fighting
    бороться, драться до конца
    The chief executive was determined to go down fighting to try and keep his position.
  • go stir-crazy
    забеспокоиться, "запсиховать", находясь в ограниченном пространстве
    After a few months of confinement he began to go stir-crazy.
  • go without (something)
    обходиться без чего-либо
    One can't go without food for more than a week.
  • gold mine of information
    кладезь информации
    "You have helped me a lot; you are a real gold mine of information."
  • guest of honor
    почётный гость
    A few retired workers were guests of honor at the company banquet.
  • go after (someone)
    искать, пытаться поймать кого-то
    "Don't drive very fast or the police will go after you."
  • go out for (something)
    заниматься чем-либо (обычно спортом)
    Rita's husband is going out for golf this summer.
  • go to waste
    пропадать даром
    It would be a pity if all this food went to waste.
  • guard against (someone or something)
    оберегать кого-либо от чего-либо, охранять
    The lifeguard told the swimming instructor to guard the people against rough waves.
  • go into orbit
    рассердиться, выйти из себя
    Harry went into orbit when his wife had spent all of their money.
  • go the limit
    делать всё возможное
    Alan went the limit, trying to attract Emily's attention.