Идиомы на букву G

  • greenhorn
    зелёный юнец, молокосос
    Albert is still a greenhorn and he has much to learn about his job.
  • go through (an experience)
    испытать, пережить
    Tony and Sue had to go through all those rough times together.
  • gang up on (someone)
    напасть на кого-либо (целой группой)
    A few youngsters ganged up on a bum in the park.
  • go great guns
    делать что-либо очень быстро, энергично
    The construction workers were going great guns when I saw them building a new house.
  • give (someone) a free hand (with something)
    дать кому-либо полный контроль над чем-либо
    The Board of Directors gave Bob Tailgate a free hand with the management.
  • go like clockwork
    надёжно работать, "работать как часы"
    We didn't expect the performance to fail; everything was going like clockwork.
  • go jump in a lake
    уйти прочь, перестать беспокоить\ надоедать
    His girl friend was bothering him with silly talk so he told her to go jump in a lake.
  • go to the trouble (of doing something)
    взять на себя труд, сделать усилие
    "I can go to the trouble of cleaning the whole house only if you are ready to help me."
  • go over well
    пройти успешно
    I am sure the conference will go over well; a lot of preparations have been made.
  • game that two can play
    условия равные для обеих сторон
    "I don't like your proposal; it's not fair. It should be a game that two can play."
  • go all out
    напрячь все силы
    Kelly and David wanted to go all out for their wedding reception.
  • go to rack and ruin
    обветшать, нуждаться в капитальном ремонте, погибать
    "If they don't start repairing the house immediatetly, it will go to rack and ruin.
  • go down to the wire
    приближаться к крайнему сроку, заканчиваться
    The workers went down to the wire and were able to complete the construction of the bridge on time.
  • go up in smoke/flames
    кончиться ничем, не дать никаких результатов
    His new project went up in smoke.
  • go easy on (someone or something)
    быть добрым и мягким по отношению к кому-либо
    Judge Crimson shouldn't have gone easy on the young delinquent, whose conduct was outrageous.
  • grist for the mill
    приносящий пользу, выгоду
    For them the information was very valuable; it was grist for the mill.
  • go straight
    стать честным, исправиться
    Timothy had been in jail for three years, but now he wanted to go straight.
  • go back on (something)
    нарушать обещание, отказаться от своих слов
    If Garry gives his word, nothing will make him go back on it.
  • gear up for (something)
    готовиться к чему-либо
    The teams are gearing up for the baseball game.
  • go on and on
    продолжаться долгое время, длиться и длиться
    The conference started in the afternoon and it went on and on.
  • ghost of a chance
    очень небольшой шанс (один из тысячи)
    I don't have a ghost of a chance to get in touch with my dentist today.
  • gyp (someone) out of (something)
    выманить у кого-либо что-либо, обманывать
    The bartender tried to gyp me out of some money.
  • go public
    стать открытой, общедоступной компанией
    To receive more profit it is necessary for the company to go public.
  • glutton for punishment
    любитель трудной или неприятной работы
    "I am not a glutton for punishment, so don't expect me to do the dirty work."
  • give (someone) what's coming to him or her
    воздать кому-либо по заслугам (часто с отрицательным значением)
    They gave the shoplifter what was coming to him; he was taken to court and sent to jail.
  • go halves
    делить пополам
    "Let's go halves on buying a new television set."
  • go through (something)
    тщательно делать что-либо
    The policemen were given the order to go through his house in search of drugs.
  • go to town
    делать что-либо быстро и энергично
    We went to town and managed to repair the broken car soon.
  • grasp at straws
    пытаться что-либо делать без надежды на успех; "хвататься за соломенку"
    I was grasping at straws, trying to pay back my bank loan.
  • go on record
    сделать официальное заявление
    The Chief Executive has decided to retire and plans to go on record about his retirement.
  • get two/three strikes against someone
    оказаться в невыгодном положении, быть предупреждённым о промахах
    Felicity often has problems at work; she now has two strikes against her. I am afraid she might be fired if there are any more problems.
  • go by the book
    неукоснительно следовать правилам
    My teacher always goes by the book when she gives us tests.
  • get/gain/have the upper hand (on someone)
    получить право контролировать кого-либо
    Now that Mike became the chief executive, he has the upper hand on all the employees of the company.
  • gone with the wind
    исчезнувший навсегда
    Our neighbors are gone with the wind and I am not sorry.
  • go places
    иметь хорошее будущее
    Mary is a clever girl; she will go places because of her intelligence.