Идиомы на букву G

  • get the red-carpet treatment
    получить особое обращение
    The US President got the red-carpet treatment during his visit to France.
  • get up enough nerve (to do something)
    набраться достаточно храбрости, чтобы сделать что-либо
    At last Tamara got up enough nerve to ask her boss about a promotion.
  • get tough with (someone)
    стать строгим с кем-либо
    It's time the teachers got tough with the latecomers.
  • give (someone) their freedom
    выпустить на свободу
    The judge decided to give the young man his freedom because of his good behavior in prison.
  • get the go-ahead
    получить сигнал к действию (начать делать что-либо)
    The soldiers got the go-ahead to attack the enemy.
  • get religion
    стать религиозным
    All of a sudden my aunt got religion and started going to church.
  • give (someone) a bum steer
    вводить в заблуждение, сбивать с пути
    I didn't want to give them a bum steer so I said nothing.
  • give (someone) enough rope and they will hang themselves
    дать (кому-либо) свободу, и он натворит бед
    "Never give Ben enough time and freedom to do what he wants. If you give him enough rope he will hang himself."
  • get (someone or something) out of one's head/mind
    выбросить кого-либо/ что-либо из головы, забыть
    "Get that nonsense out of your head!"
  • get one's dander up
    рассердить(ся), разозлить(ся), вывести из себя
    Sam is a very irritable person; one can easily get his dander up.
  • give (someone) their due
    похвалить кого-либо, выразить признательность
    Solomon and Dora are good parents; you have to give them their due.
  • get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
    беспокоиться или быть расстроенным из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Mary easily gets herself into a stew over little things that are of no importance.
  • go in one ear and out the other
    невнимательно слушать, "в одно ухо влетело, из другого вылетело"
    Everything that Jim's mother tells him goes in one ear and out the other.
  • give it to (someone)
    наказать или наругать кого-либо
    The nanny really gave it to the six-year-old boy because he had deliberately spilt soup all over the table.
  • get one's walking papers
    "Come to work in time if you don't want to get your walking papers."
  • give (someone) a dirty look
    посмотреть хмуро на кого-либо
    Having bumped into a woman, Nick didn't apologize and she gave him a dirty look.
  • guard one's tongue
    быть осторожным в высказываниях
    Sally never guards her tongue when she speaks to people that's why nobody likes her.
  • get off one's butt
    заняться чем-либо, начать работать
    Nora ought to get off her butt and do something useful.
  • get ahold of (someone or something)
    связаться с кем-либо, овладеть чем-либо
    Jacob was trying to get ahold of his former boss, but every time he failed.
  • glad hand (someone)
    тепло приветствовать кого-либо
    Mark glad handed the people who came to support him.
  • generous to a fault
    чересчур щедрый
    "Don't give the kid too much money; you are generous to a fault."
  • give a wide birth to (someone or something)
    сторониться \ избегать кого-либо\ чего-либо
    Frankly I prefer to give a wide birth to ill-mannered people.
  • get the last laugh
    посмеяться на чей-то счёт (над тем, кто смеялся над вами)
    My friend likes to make fun of me, but it's me who always get the last laugh.
  • give (someone) a slap on the wrist
    назначить кому-либо лёгкое наказание
    A few high school students were taken to the police station and given a slap on the wrist because they had been playing truant.
  • go out of one's way
    сделать значительное усилие
    Nora went out of her way to please her mother-in-law.
  • go/be belly up
    разориться, обанкротиться
    William was afraid lest his small book store should go belly-up.
  • go sky-high
    подскочить до небес (о цене)
    I am afraid the price of gasoline may go sky-high recently.
  • go to the mat
    заступаться за кого-либо, "стоять горой"
    Our tutor often goes to the mat if there are serious problems in our group.
  • get the goods on (someone)
    получить негативную информацию о ком-либо
    Police officer Klaps was sure that he would get the goods on the man.
  • give it to (someone) straight
    сказать это кому-либо прямо в лицо
    Gina was no longer happy with her husband and she decided to give it to him straight.
  • golden opportunity
    прекрасная возможность
    To be able to take part in the beauty contest is a golden opportunity for Martha.
  • good deal
    удачная покупка (хорошее качество по низкой цене)
    One can usually get good deal on clothes during the sales.
  • get one's comeuppance
    понести заслуженное наказание
    Jimmy got his comeuppance for his wrong doings.
  • get out from under (someone or something)
    избегать неблагоприятной ситуации
    Sarah would like to get out from under her parents who are always nagging her.
  • gnash one's teeth
    скрежетать зубами
    The wound was very painful, and the man gnashed his teeth.