Идиомы на букву G

  • gas up
    наполнить бензобак
    We'd better gas up before we go on a car trip to the country.
  • go over (something)
    просматривать, тщательно изучать
    They went over house after house, examining them from the cellars to the atticks.
  • go on a rampage
    неистовствовать, буйствовать
    During the match the football fans went on a rampage and damaged a lot of things at the stadium.
  • give birth
    My brother's wife gave birth to twin boys.
  • go broke
    разориться, потерять все деньги
    Josef Marsh went broke because of the collapse of a Canadian company in which he had invested.
  • grow to do/like something
    постепенно начинать что-либо делать, начинать нравиться
    Little by little the boy grew to like the school, the teachers and his classmates.
  • get the worst of (something)
    быть побеждённым, получить меньше преимуществ
    "If you buy a used car, you may get the worst of the deal."
  • get/have a frog in one's throat
    болезненное ощущение в горле (из-за простуды) поэтому трудно говорить
    Jane has got such a terrible frog in her throat that she cannot say a word.
  • go in for (something)
    решить заняться чем-либо или принять участие в чём-либо
    George decided to go in for weight-lifting.
  • go (somewhere) in a heartbeat
    идти куда-либо немедленно, сразу же
    My friend asked me to come and I went to her place in a heartbeat.
  • give (someone) the bum's rush
    выгнать кого-либо (из бара) с помощью вышибалы
    The club owners gave a group of youngsters the bum's rush when they started to make too much noise.
  • get the once-over
    беглый, поверхностный осмотр
    The man got the once-over and was pronounced to be fit for the job.
  • go on a binge
    слишком много съесть, перестараться
    "Don't go on a binge, eating too much cake; you may get sick."
  • go to pieces
    сильно расстроиться, потерять над собой контроль
    After the devorce Elena went to pieces.
  • give chase
    гнаться, бежать
    Yesterday a pickpocket stole my purse and I gave chase to the man.
  • give off (something)
    испускать (запах), выделять пары
    Burning rubber gives off a nasty smell.
  • get (something) into/through (someone's) head
    заставить кого-либо понять что-либо
    The mother couldn't get it through her son's head the necessity of studying hard.
  • go to pot
    разрушаться, разваливаться, "пойти прахом"
    "If we don't do something, our business will go to pot."
  • give voice to (one's feelings)
    выразить словами свои чувства
    Vivian gave voice to her feelings about the new venture.
  • go through with (something)
    делать что-либо в соответствии с планом, доводить что-либо до конца
    The local administration will go through with their plan to build a new bridge.
  • gee whiz
    Да ну! (восклицание, выражающее удивление)
    "Gee whiz! Are you really going to take part in the chess tournament?"
  • get what's coming to one
    получить, что заслуживаешь
    Tom Sanders was involved in a car fraud and got what was coming to him.
  • go scot-free/get off scot-free
    избежать наказания или быть оправданным
    Denis managed to get off scot-free in the case involving a car fraud.
  • go down on one's knees/on bended knee
    умолять, встать на колени
    Alice had to go down on her knees to ask her Mom's permission to go to her friend's party.
  • get one's nose out of (someone's) business
    не лезть не в своё дело
    I told my brother to get his nose out of my business.
  • go off
    уходить \ уезжать, отправляться
    Olga went off on a business trip to Brasil.
  • gone but not forgotten
    умер, но не забыт
    Pushkin is gone but not forgotten.
  • go over with a bang
    представлять собой эффектное зрелище
    It was the first night of the performance and it went over with a bang.
  • give credence to (someone or something)
    поверить кому-либо\ чему-либо
    They didn't want to give credence to the man's statement so they ignored it.
  • get/have gray hair
    Ms. Pottly is constantly worried about her son; she is getting gray hair from all the stress.
  • go for broke
    стараться изо всех сил, рисковать,
    They were going for broke to try and win grants for their projects.
  • grab (someone) by the throat
    что-либо, что возбуждает чувства (интерес, волнение, страх)
    The performance grabbed me by the throat; the acting was so exciting.
  • go fifty-fifty (on something)
    делить что-либо поровну
    My friend and I decided to go fifty-fifty on a new computer.
  • get (someone or something) out of one's mind/head
    выбросить кого-либо/ чего-либо из головы, забыть
    "Get that nonsense out of your head!"
  • gung-ho
    полный энтузиазма, увлечённый
    She does some volunteer work for the animal shelter and she is gung-ho about it.