Идиомы на букву G
go ahead
двинуться вперёд, начать делать что-либо"Let's go ahead and leave for the airport now. Otherwise we might be late."
go for the jugular
напасть на кого-либо с целью причинить наибольший вред (нанести удар в шею, где проходит ярёмная вена)Aram had been waiting for so long to attack his enemy; now it was time he went for the jugular.
go places
иметь хорошее будущееMary is a clever girl; she will go places because of her intelligence.
grate on (someone's) nerves
действовать кому-либо на нервыMy neighbor is constantly having wild parties, and it is beginning to grate on my nerves.
go for (something)
желать чего-либо, пытаться получить что-либоMy sister goes for new roller skates.
going rate
существующий тариф \ расценка \ спросThe going rate for gardeners will go high this season.
get off (easy/lightly)
легко отделатьсяThe boy stole a bicycle from his neighbor, but got off easy; he received very little punishment for his crime.
go over the books
проверить бухгалтерские расчётыBefore buying the small business they hired an outside accountant to go over their books.
go bad
испортиться, сгнить"The pears will soon go bad so you'd better eat them now."
grow out of something
вырастать из чего-либо, перестать удовлетворятьLittle by little Nora began to grow out of her childish fears.
go from bad to worse
ухудшаться, портитьсяThey were short of food and money; things were going from bad to worse.
Government Issue - казённый, прозвище солдат в американской армииGI is the nickname of an American soldier.
go around
ходить от одного места или человека к другомуI couldn't get fresh tomatoes in this shop so I had to go around from one shop to another until I got them.
go haywire
разваливаться, перестать нормально работатьLittle by little the electrical appliances in the house began to go haywire.
grease one's palm
дать взятку, подмазать, "позолотить ручку"They had to grease the porter's palm in order to enter the restaurant.
go through
быть одобренным, пройти (о законопроэкте)The law about free medical services finally went through last week.
go stag
приходить без дамыPeter Skim went stag to the wedding reception.
go it alone
делать что-либо самостоятельно без помощи кого-либоMy mother never helps me with my homework so I have to go it alone.
go legit
начать легитимный бизнесThey had been operating an illegal business for quite some time before they decided to go legit.
go on
продолжать(ся)The negotiations went on for several days.
goods and chattels
личные вещи, личная собственностьAll her goods and chattels were destroyed by the fire.
grace period
льготный период, срок отсрочки платежейI was given a 30-day grace period in which to pay my rent.
gut feeling/reaction/response
интуитивное чувство, предчувствие, реакцияWhen Swan entered the room, he had a gut feeling that he was being watched.
go into effect
начать действоватьThe new tax law will go into effect at the beginning of next year.
gulp for air
хватать ртом воздухThe smoke in the forest got so thick that I couldn't help gulping for air.
go together
подходить, хорошо сочетаться"Look! This yellow hat and your red coat don't go together!"
grounded in fact
основанный на фактахThe judge dismissed the accusations against Tim Burk because they were not grounded in fact.
go one's own way
поступать по своемуI suggest you go your own way and try to find something to do.
great deal
многоThere is always a great deal of work about the house.
go at it tooth and nail/hammer and tongs
энергично, изо всех сил; стараться сделать что-либоHe got tired easily now. No longer could he go at it tooth and nail.
go about one's business
заняться своим деломWe had a lot of fun at the seaside and now we are going about our business again.
Greenwich Mean Time - время по Гринвичскому меридиануGMT is a place near London which is used as the standard for time around the world
go out of fashion/style
выйти из модыA well-cut suit won't go out of fashion for several years.
Gross National Product - валовой национальный продуктThe total value of goods and services produced by a country in one year is called GNP.
go to any length
ни перед чем не останавливаться, быть готовым на всёLionel would go to any length to have his way.