Идиомы на букву C
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come to light
обнаружиться, стать известным, "выйти на свет божий"The truth finally came to light.
come to mind
прийти в голову, припомнитьI was trying to recollect the title of the book, but nothing came to mind.
come to nothing/naught
окончиться ничем, свестись к нулю, не иметь никакого успехаAll his schemes have come to nothing.
come to one's senses
образумиться, взяться за ум, прийти в себя"I want you to stop fooling around and come to your senses."
come to pass
произойти, случиться, иметь местоJill does not know what will come to pass if she doesn't deal with the problem promptly.
come to terms
прийти к соглашениюThe Chief Executive and the labor union came to terms, and the strike was prevented.
come to terms with (someone or something)
принять чьи-либо условия, договориться, прийти к соглашениюWe came to terms with them and struck a good bargain.
come to the fore
выйти вперёд, занять важное место или позициюPeter Boy came to the fore and made up his mind to take an important position in the firm.
come to the point
говорить по существу, переходить к делу"I know something about your troubles, so don't beat about the bush, come to the point at once."
come true
сбываться, осуществляться, претворяться в жизнь"Happy birthday to you! May all your dreams come true!"
come unglued
потерять контроль, очень расстроитьсяThe owner of a small store came unglued when he learned that his store had burned down.
come up
случиться, внезапно произойти"I know that you are worried about your parents. I'll let you know if something comes up."
come up in a discussion
стать предметом дискуссииThe issue of extra office hours suddenly came up in a discussion during the meeting.
come up in the world
выйти в люди, преуспеть, делать карьеру "идти в гору"He is an extremely clear-headed and cautious young man; he is destined to come up in the world.
come up smelling like roses
оправиться (после неудач, трудных времён)Linda had a lot of problems, but when I met her yesterday, she came up smelling like roses.
come up with (something)
найти ответ, придумать что-либоJoe tried to come up with something interesting to do.
come what may
будь, что будет; что бы ни случилосьCome what may I am resolute to conquer the highest peak of the mountain.
come with the territory
ожидаемое положение дел "иначе и быть не может"The fact that she has to work late at night comes with the territory with her job as a newscaster.
понижение (по службе), уменьшение доходов, влиянияRonald's recent status is a come-down; he used to be invited to big functions but is now ignored.
come/go away empty-handed
прийти (уйти) с пустыми рукамиI wanted to buy an English-English dictionary but went away empty -handed.
come/turn up trumps
оказаться более удачным, чем предполагалосьWanda's marriage turned up trumps which was a big surprise to her friends and family.
commercial law
торговое правоAfter I graduate the university I would like to practice in commercial law.
commit (something) to memory
запомнить что-либоThe names were difficult and I tried hard to commit them to memory.
common ground
общие интересыThe negotiations did not go well because there was no common ground between the negotiators.
common law
общее право, неписаный законCommon law is mostly based on custom and court decisions of the past.
common property
общая собственность (жителей)Parks in London are common property and anyone can use them.
common touch
дружелюбный подход ко всем, дружеская манера обращенияIf you have a common touch, everybody will like you.
community property
общее имущество супруговMy husband and I decided to give some of our community property to our children.
company man
преданный компании работникMr. Right is a company man, and he usually puts in an extra effort for his company.
company town
город, в котором преобладает один вид промышленности или одна компанияTampa used to be a company town; now it has a lot of industries.
comparative negligence
неосторожность, халатность обеих сторон, преступная оплошностьThe traffic police determined that it was a case of comparative negligence for both the drivers and they both were responsible for the damage of their cars.
compare apples and oranges
сравнивать несравнимое"Don't compare our old house to the new one; it's like comparing apples and oranges."
con (someone) out of (something)
выманить у кого-либо деньги или что-либо ценноеThe gipsy outside the station tried to con me out of some money.
conclusive evidence
неопровержимые доказательстваThe criminal was convicted due to the conclusive evidence of one of the witnesses.
conditional sale
продажа с соблюдением определённых условийThe sale of the estate was a conditional sale, and I couldn't occupy the house before the deal was complete.