Идиомы на букву B
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birds of a feather flock together
Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. (Пословица)"Do not complain about your relatives. Remember that birds of a feather flock together. You are very similar to them."
bound to (do something)
быть настроенным сделать что-либоThe married couple was bound to go to Spain for their honeymoon.
bounce a check
возвратить чек в виду отсутствия достаточных средств на счетуRenata bounced a check when she tried to pay for her college education.
below par
ниже номинальной стоимостиThe bonds of the oil company were selling at a price that was below par.
banker's hours
короткие часы работы (часы работы банка)I would like to get a job where I can work banker's hours most days.
bottom out
достигать самой низкой точкиThe goods sale has begun to bottom out, and I am not sure it will ever increase in value.
by leaps and bounds
стремительно, очень быстро, семимильными шагамиUnder his supervision the business began to develop by leaps and bounds.
blow (something)
провалиться (на экзамене), провалить (дело, мероприятие)I was afraid I might blow my first job interview.
break a habit
бросить привычку"I want you to break your habit of smoking two packets of cigarettes a day."
bring (someone) around
восстанавливать чьё-либо здоровье, приводить в чувствоThe paramedics were able to bring the girl around after the explosion in the cafe.
bad-mouth (someone or something)
оговаривать кого-то, отзываться плохо о ком-либо \ чём-либоTheir neighbor Mr. Cannon is a mean person; he has the habit of bad-mouthing everybody.
balls of one's feet
подушечки на ступне (около пальцев)I have been walking all day that's why the balls of my feet are very sore.
breathe down (someone's) neck
стоять за спиной у кого-либо, дышать кому-либо в затылок, заставлять торопиться"I am sure to complete the work in time, so stop breathing down my neck!"
break off
внезапно прекращать, обрыватьTrenton was too courteous; he would not break off negotiations.
by word of mouth
устно, на словахI don't want to write to them; I'd rather you did it by word of mouth.
by shank's mare
пешком, "на своих двоих"My car got broken, so I had to come to work by shank's mare.
bottom drops/falls out of (something)
обвал цен (настоящие цены стали ниже предыдущих)The bottom fell out of the fruit market, and some of the companies had to stop doing business.
bring about (something)
осуществлять, вызывать, организовыватьHis words brought about the desired effect.
boys in the backroom
группа людей, принимающая закулисные решенияThe boys in the backroom informed us that the wages would be probably docked.
brain teaser
головоломкаA brain teaser is a problem for which it is hard to find the answer.
believe one's eyes
верить тому, что видишь; верить своим глазамI could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Gilbert in the costume of Father Frost.
back up (someone or something)
поддержать кого-либо или что-либоCollin's proposal was silly that's why nobody backed it up.
beyond one's means
(жить) не по средствамThis expensive cottage is very much beyond their means.
body blow
сокрушительный удар или серьёзные поврежденияRon's small house received a body blow when the hurricane hit the town.
bone of contention
яблоко раздора, предмет разногласийThe inheritance their Grandfather had left to the sisters was a bone of contention for them.
bread and water
хлеб и водаThe family was very poor; they had to live on bread and water most of the time.
burst at the seams
лопаться по швам, быть переполненным сверх мерыThe bus was very overcrowded; it was literally bursting at the seams.
be cricket
честная игра, джентльменское поведениеThe way Ernest Fitzpatrick treated his employees was not cricket.
by fair means or foul
любыми средствами, правдами и неправдамиThey will do everything they can to win, by fair means or foul.
Они сделают все, чтобы выиграть любыми средствами. -
boggle one's mind
пугать, смущать, тревожить"I don't want to boggle your mind, but the absence of proper safety is dangerous."
brush up on (something)
освежить знанияI have made up my mind to attend language courses to brush up on my English.
business as usual
продолжать как обычноIt is business as usual for us after moving our office to a new place.
busman's holiday
отпуск без отпуска; будучи в отпуске, продолжать делать свою работуMark is on holiday, but he is spending much time at work, so it looks he is on a busman's holiday.
bound hand and foot
быть связанным по рукам и ногамThree family members were bound hand and foot by a stranger who into their apartment last night.
bankroll someone
финансировать кого-либоColin asked his father to bankroll him as he wanted to buy a sport car.