Идиомы на букву B

  • blow up (at someone)
    бранить, делать выговор, устраивать разнос
    "I am sorry to have blown up at you the other day, but I was very annoyed with you."
  • by a whisker
    на волосок, чуть-чуть
    He shot at me and just missed hitting me by a hair.
  • beat one's head against the wall
    биться головой об стену (зря тратить время, делая бесполезное дело)
    While speaking to my son, I felt as if I were beating my head against the wall.
  • beyond one's depth
    столкнуться с трудностями
    Robert appeared to be beyond his depth; he picked a fight with his boss and lost the battle.
  • bone up (on something)
    зубрить, повторять, долбить (предмет)
    I am not very good at languages, so I have to bone up on my French.
  • by the handful
    There were a lot of wild berries in the forest and we picked them by the handful.
  • bounce something (an idea) off someone
    проверить чью-либо реакцию (относительно идеи или предложения)
    Joe bounced his idea for the trip to Russia off his girlfriend.
  • by the sweat of one's brow
    работать в поте лица
    Heinz succeeded in making enough money to buy a new house by the sweat of his brow.
  • break the news (to someone)
    первым сообщить новости
    Zeta was about to break the news of her engagement to her parents on Christmas Eve.
  • baptism of fire
    крещение огнём ( первый опыт часто трудный или неприятный)
    When I started my own small business, I went through a baptism of fire.
  • beyond the pale
    за пределами чего-либо (то, что не принято делать)
    "I don't like the way your children behave; it is totally beyond the pale."
  • burst with pride
    лопаться от гордости, быть переполненным гордостью, очень гордиться
    The young mother was bursting with pride, praising her baby to the skies.
  • by a mile
    при большом отрыве от остальных (в спорте)
    The skier ran faster than the other competitors and won the race by a mile.
  • by and large
    в целом
    By and large, they had a good party in the open even though it was a bit cold outside.
  • burn (something) to a crisp
    сжечь что-либо до черноты
    I burned the toasts to a crisp and had to throw them into the garbage.
  • break one's word
    нарушить своё слово, не сдержать обещание
    Mike promised to help me find a good job; unfortunately he broke his word.
  • break into tears
    The little boy got frightened and broke into tears.
  • break a record
    побить рекорд
    The swimmer broke his own record during the latest swimming competitions.
  • bag of tricks
    разнообразные приёмы, трюки (мешок хитростей)
    If a teacher works with small children, she should have a bag of tricks to keep them busy.
  • bring (someone) to heel
    заставить слушаться кого-либо
    When John was sixteen, he thought he could do as he pleased, but his father cut off his allowance, and this brought John to heel.
  • bring (someone) to terms
    заставить кого-либо прийти к соглашению
    Tim and Tom, the twin brothers, were brought to terms by their mother for riding the pony.
  • by all means
    обязательно, непременно
    "I'll help you move the furniture in your room by all means, I promise."
  • buy off (someone)
    подкупить кого-либо, откупиться
    The criminal's friends tried to buy off the judge but they were not successful.
  • BO
    Body Odor - запах пота
    BO is the smell of sweat from the human body.
  • behind the scenes
    частным образом, не на виду у всех
    The lawyer had to work behind the scenes to try and bail his client out.
  • blacklist (someone)
    вносить кого-либо в чёрный список
    The football team was blacklisted because it didn't obey the rules.
  • brown bag it
    брать обед с собой на работу
    I had to brown bag it every day of the week because there is no cafeteria in our office building.
  • burn (oneself) out
    стать очень усталым и разбитым из-за напряжённой работы
    "If you work so much, you might finally burn yourself out."
  • burst into flames
    внезапно воспламениться
    When a spark flew into the gasoline, the whole tank burst into flames.
  • beat a hasty retreat
    обратиться в бегство, поспешно ретироваться
    The bandits beat a hasty retreat when the policemen attacked them.
  • beyond words
    неописуемый, невыразимый (словами)
    "The mess in your bedroom is beyond words".
  • bring (something) on
    помогать расти, заставить быстро развиваться
    The sun is bringing on the flowers.
  • be hand in hand
    держаться за руки
    I saw Miranda and her husband walking hand in hand.
  • burn one's bridges behind one
    сжечь за собой мосты, отрезать путь к отступлению
    The sportsman burned his bridges behind him when he decided to leave his team for ever.
  • by a long shot
    намного, значительно
    The pharmaceutical firm beat out the bids of the other similar companies by a long shot.