Идиомы на букву B

  • break (someone's) fall
    смягчить чьё-либо падение
    A six-year-old Sharon Cranston fell from a balcony, but fortunately deep snow broke her fall.
  • break (someone's) heart
    разбить чьё-либо сердце, сделать несчастным
    It nearly broke her heart to leave her old home.
  • break (something) down
    объяснять что-либо просто, доступно
    When I am trying to explain difficult study material to my daughter, I usually try to break it down.
  • break (something) to (someone)
    сообщить плохие новости
    "Branston died in a car crash. Please break the sad news to his wife."
  • break a habit
    бросить привычку
    "I want you to break your habit of smoking two packets of cigarettes a day."
  • break a law
    нарушать закон
    Laws like promises shouldn't be broken.
  • Break a leg!
    Желаю удачи! (используется перед выходом на сцену)
    "Break a leg!" one of the actors called to the lead actor.
  • break a record
    побить рекорд
    The swimmer broke his own record during the latest swimming competitions.
  • break camp
    свернуть лагерь, собрать снаряжение
    As the weather was getting colder, they decided to break camp and return home.
  • break down
    проваливаться, терпеть неудачу
    We had grand plans, but they all broke down.
  • break down (something)
    разбить на части (в целях анализа)
    Metabolism is the process of breaking down living matter into simple substances.
  • break even
    работать на основе самоокупаемости, когда затраты равны прибыли
    They were sure that they would be able to break even and begin to make a profit soon.
  • break ground for (something)
    начать копать фундамент здания
    The construction workers broke ground for a new apartment house.
  • break in (someone or something)
    разносить (об обуви), сделать что-либо нужного размера
    I can't wear my new loafers; they won't break in.
  • break into a cold sweat (about something)
    покрыться холодным потом (от волнения / страха)
    Pam broke out in a cold sweat when she saw that terrible sight.
  • break into tears
    The little boy got frightened and broke into tears.
  • break loose (from someone or something)
    вырваться, освободиться, отвязаться (от кого-то/ чего-то)
    The dog broke loose from its master and started running around the garden.
  • break off
    внезапно прекращать, обрывать
    Trenton was too courteous; he would not break off negotiations.
  • break one's word
    нарушить своё слово, не сдержать обещание
    Mike promised to help me find a good job; unfortunately he broke his word.
  • break out in (something)
    выступить, появиться (например, сыпь на теле)
    I am allergic to fish, and when I eat it, I usually break out in a terrible rash.
  • break out in a cold sweat
    покрыться холодным потом (от волнения / страха)
    Pam broke out in a cold sweat when she saw that terrible sight.
  • break out of (something)
    сбегать откуда-то
    Bull's-Eye and some other criminals broke out of prison yesterday.
  • break the back of (something)
    сломить, уничтожить, погубить, сломить сопротивление
    One mistake may break the back of the whole enterprise.
  • break the bank
    сорвать банк (выиграть все деньги в казино за игровым столом)
    The man in the casino broke the bank by winning all the money at a gambling table.
  • break the ice
    сломать лёд, заставить расслабиться
    Mary's cheerful joke broke the ice and everybody began to enjoy themselves.
  • break the law
    нарушить закон
    They found out that Marcia had broken the law, and she was sacked.
  • break the news (to someone)
    первым сообщить новости
    Zeta was about to break the news of her engagement to her parents on Christmas Eve.
  • break through
    успешно преодолеть (трудности)
    Dr. Salk failed many times, but he finally broke through to find a successful vaccine.
  • break up (with someone)
    порвать с кем-либо, прекратить отношения
    Gilda decided to break up with her family and started to live on her own.