Идиомы на букву B

  • bow out
    распрощаться, откланяться, прекратить
    "If you want to stay with us, you will have to bow out with some of your bad habits."
  • build (something) to order
    сделать что-либо на заказ
    We would like to build our bedroom furniture to order.
  • by chance
    "Have you seen Michele by chance? I've been waiting for her since morning."
  • brand-new
    совершенно новый
    "I strongly advise you to purchase this boat; it is brand new."
  • be of the persuasion that (something) is so
    быть убеждённым в правильности чего-то
    Choosing a career is a difficult task and I am of the persuasion that it is really so.
  • bawl out (someone)
    орать, громко ругать кого-либо
    Bawling out the children won't get you anywhere; they won't obey you.
  • boss (someone) around
    распоряжаться, указывать что делать
    Parents shouldn't boss their children around.
  • by the week
    по-недельно, каждую неделю
    During their holidays they rented a boat by the week.
  • by the seat of one's pants
    удачно, без усилий и умения
    Jane was able to complete the job by the seat of her pants.
  • blast off
    выпустить в небо (о ракете)
    The rocket has just blasted off.
  • by all accounts
    по общим отзывам, по общему мнению
    By all accounts our show was much better than theirs.
  • by the day
    подённо, каждый день, с каждым днём
    She got paid by the day.
  • bargain on (something)
    планировать или ожидать чего-либо
    I didn't bargain on having so many relatives staying in my house at the same time.
  • behind in/on (something)
    отставать, запаздывать в чем-то (учёбе, работе)
    Julia was behind in her work, that's why she had to stay after office hours.
  • by virtue of (something)
    благодаря чему-то, в силу чего-то, на основании чего-то
    The working class by virtue of its ability to achieve united action is the only force capable of defeating racism.
  • brew a plot
    замышлять (заговор, мятеж, восстание)
    The conspirators brewed a plot to destroy the English Houses of Parliament and King James the First.
  • bid adieu to (someone or something)
    попрощаться с кем-либо
    Paul took his girlfriend to the airport and bid adieu to her.
  • best/better part of (something)
    большая часть чего-либо
    The children spent the best part of summer in a scouts' camp.
  • born out of wedlock
    рождённый вне брака, незаконнорожденный
    In America as well as in a lot of other countries more and more children are born out of wedlock.
  • by any means
    любыми средствами
    Jim decided to win Clare's love by any means.
  • boot out
    выгонять, избавляться от кого-либо
    "Did Kevin drop out of school? - Oh, no. He was booted out! He had cheated at the exams."
  • by all appearances
    по всей видимости, очевидно
    By all appearances, the reason he had an accident was he had been driving for many hours and had been very tired.
  • by the month
    (платить) по месячно, каждый месяц
    We rent an office space and pay by the month.
  • bleep (something) out
    заменить слово звуковым сигналом во время передачи по радио или телевидению
    The harsh words of the man giving an interview on TV were bleeped out.
  • by way of (something or somewhere)
    проходя/ проезжая мимо, по пути
    Mary took a taxi and they drove to the station by way of the town square.
  • bump off (someone)
    убить, укокошить
    The criminal gang was going to bump off the members of another gang.
  • breathe easy
    вздохнуть свободно (после стрессовой ситуации)
    Lola is able to breathe easy now; she has just found her lost passport.
  • buck for (something)
    стремиться к цели
    The young man is bucking for a higher position in the society.
  • by a whisker/hair
    на волосок, чуть-чуть не
    He shot at me and just missed hitting me by a hair.
  • booked solid
    все занято, полностью расписано, забито
    Scotty, we're really booked solid tonight.
    Скотти, у нас на сегодняшний вечер все забито.