Идиомы на букву B
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breathe easy/easier
расслабиться, вздохнуть свободно (после стрессовой ситуации)Lola is able to breathe easy now; she has just found her lost passport.
breach of promise
нарушение обещания или соглашенияMr. Paderevski was accused of a breach of promise when he broke the contract to buy the house.
by the dozens
(покупать) дюжину = 12 штукIn English shops eggs are sold by the dozens.
beat (someone) to the punch/draw
обскакать кого-то (сделать работу прежде других)Susan beat Mark to the punch and completed the test ahead of him.
beat the living daylights out of (someone)
душу выбить из кого-либо, сильно избитьA group of men beat the living daylights out of a security guard at the bank.
by the book
по правилам"I prefer to fill in documents by the book, so that nobody can find fault with me."
beside the point
не иметь отношение к предмету спора"Stop talking about money; it's beside the point now."
bear (something) out
подтверждать, подкреплять, поддерживать"Your laziness can only bear out the fact that you are not going to be a good worker."
blow (someone or something) off
избегать кого-либо, пропустить что-либоJennet couldn't blow off the chance to go to the Mediterranean with a group of scientists.
big of (someone)
быть щедрым, добрым по отношении к кому-либоIt is very big of you to let me use your books.
be to blame
быть виноватымThe boy said he was not to blame for the broken window; it was not his fault.
break fresh/new ground
начать новое дело, прокладывать новые путиThe scientists have been able to break new ground in their research for diabetes cure.
breach of the peace
нарушение общественного порядка и спокойствияMy neighbors were charged with a breach of the peace because they were playing loud music late at night.
build up to (something)
сводиться к (о ситуации)As a matter of fact, things were building up to be a rather unpleasant situation.
blow (someone's) cover
раскрыть чью-либо подлинную суть или цельI didn't know what Mark's intention was, but I hoped to blow his cover.
be that as it may
будь, что будет"Be that as it may, I am not going to let you give up your career."
be game
готовый сделать что-либо охотно, выражающий согласие сделать что-либоThe majority of the children were game to go to the circus.
burst out laughing
рассмеятьсяIt was very difficult for her not to burst out laughing when he said this.
bring home the importance of (something) to (someone)
втолковывать, доводить что-то до чьего-либо сознанияHe was unable to bring home to his son the importance of studying hard.
blow to smithereens
разнести на кусочки, разрушить полностьюThe explosion was so strong that it blew the bus to smithereens.
by far
значительно больше, на много большеAlma is by far the prettiest girl among her friends.
better off
улучшить ситуацию или своё положениеElvira was much better off when she won a solid sum of money in a state lottery.
by hook or by crook
любым способом, любыми средствамиI believe Ron wants to get these disks by hook or by crook.
beyond measure
быть неизмеримым (о чувствах)The girl's dread for her step-father was beyond measure.
be the case
доподлинный случай или ситуация"It might have been the case before, but now we are going to act differently."
bowl (someone) over
привести в замешательство, удивитьThe secretary talked nineteen to the dozen and it bowled me over.
build a fire under (someone)
подогревать, стимулировать, подстёгивать кого-либоIt's no use trying to build a fire under Robert; he is as lazy as can be.
bump into (someone)
случайно встретить кого-либо, столкнуться с кем-тоEva bumped into her cousin at the station the day before yesterday.
by the way
между прочим"By the way, are you absolutely sure he is going on a picnic with us?"
bear/hold a grudge (against someone)
иметь зуб на кого-либо, быть сердитым на кого-то продолжительное времяMargaret has born a grudge against her ex-boyfriend for years.
be the death of (someone)
погибель, крах, серьёзная проблема"If you eat too many sweets, it may be the death of your teeth," my mother said.
bring (something) into question
поднять вопрос о чём-тоAt the meeting the Chairman brought into question their interest in the case.
be curtains for (someone or something)
конец кому-то или чему-то (крышка кому-то или чему-то)It was curtains for his old computer when it finally refused to work.
batten down the hatches
готовиться к трудным временам (задраивать люк перед штормом)A big storm was brewing and the fishermen decided to batten down the hatches.
beside oneself (with something)
быть вне себя (быть расстроенным, взволнованным)The man was beside himself with rage when he saw that his car had been stolen.