Идиомы на букву T

  • take place
    "Where will the meeting take place? Do you know?"
  • take precedence over (someone or something)
    иметь первоочерёдность, преимущество перед кем-либо \ чем-либо
    The rights of handicapped people take precedence over the rights of healthy people.
  • take pride in (something)
    гордиться чем-либо
    Mrs. Williamson takes pride in her well-kept garden.
  • take root
    пускать корни, приживаться
    Their cause has taken root and has spread its branches far and wide.
  • take shape
    принять форму, воплотиться, оформиться
    Suspicion of a frame-up began to take shape in their mind.
  • take sides
    встать на чью-либо сторону, примкнуть к той или иной стороне
    It is always safer to take sides with a stronger party.
  • take stock
    проводить инвентаризацию, учёт
    We are planning to take stock next week.
  • take stock in (something)
    относиться с доверием к чему-либо
    I have never taken stock in his crazy ideas.
  • take stock of (something)
    тщательно изучить, проанализировать ситуацию или возможности
    After taking stock of all the opportunities, I decided to take Accounting as my major.
  • take that tack
    взять другой курс, изменить линию поведения
    Jimmy decided to take that tack when he understood that his previous plans were no good.
  • take the bitter with the sweet
    стойко переносить превратности судьбы
    Theo was tough; he was able to take the bitter with the sweet.
  • take the bull by the horns
    решительно взяться за дело, "взять быка за рога"
    Margaret decided to take the bull by the horns and ask Desmond if he was going to marry her.
  • take the cake
    превзойти самого себя (в лучшую или худшую сторону)
    Edna was extremely cordial. Her friendliness took the cake.
  • take the checkered flag
    закончить гонку первым
    The French racer took the checkered flag for the first time and was very proud.
  • take the day off
    взять отгул (на работе)
    I'd better take the day off; I am feeling very tired and depressed.
  • take the edge off (something)
    притупить, ослабить, умерить что-либо
    Cora's objection took the edge off his arguments.
  • take the Fifth
    прибегнуть к пятой поправке (гарантирующей право не свидетельствовать против самого себя)
    He knew his right not to incriminate himself while testifying at a trial, so he decided to take the Fifth.
  • take the initiative to (do something)
    проявить инициативу (сделать что-либо)
    "Why not take the initiative to arrange a nice party?"
  • take the law into one's own hands
    расправиться без суда, пытаться отправлять правосудие самому
    Ned decided to take the law into his own hands and avenge himself on his offender.
  • take the liberty of (doing something)
    позволить себе сделать что-либо
    I took the liberty of telling my instructor what I thought about his method of teaching skiing.
  • take the money and run
    принять предложенное пока предложение в силе
    Bill planned to take the money and run as he was not sure that he would be given any more money for the settlement of his car accident.
  • take the plunge
    сделать решительный шаг, принять серьёзное решение
    Pauline finally made up her mind to take the plunge and divorce her two-timer spouse.
  • take the rap for (someone or something)
    получить наказание за что-либо или вместо кого-либо
    Wanda felt miserable; she took the rap for what she hadn't done.
  • take the roll
    делать перекличку
    Before the teacher began the lesson she took the roll.
  • take the stand
    занять место свидетеля (в зале суда)
    Berth took the stand in the murder trial yesterday.
  • take the starch out of (someone)
    сбить спесь с кого-либо, осадить
    I think Alice is too highbrow and arrogant; I wish someone would take the starch out of her.
  • take the trouble to (do something)
    стараться, делать усилие
    "Will you please take the trouble to inform Miss Nordie that she is not going to have any lessons today?"
  • take the wind out of one's sails
    отбить охоту, расстроить чьи-либо планы, "выбить почву из-под ног"
    Ron applied for a job of a computer programmer but was rejected, and it took the wind out of his sails.
  • take the wind out of someone's sails
    расстроить чьи-либо планы, выбить почву из под ног, обескуражить
    Kathy's answer was so cool, so rich in bravado that it took the wind out of his sails.
  • take the words out of (someone's) mouth
    предвосхитить то, что хотел сказать другой
    I wanted to add a few more items to the agenda, but the chairman took the words out of my mouth.
  • take time off
    сделать перерыв в работе
    Sue had been studying Chinese for a couple of years before she decided to take time off.
  • take to (someone or something)
    привязаться к кому-либо \ чему-либо, полюбить
    Sally took to the new teacher at once.
  • take to (something)
    начать что-либо, взяться за что-либо
    Hillary took to the work of a fashion designer and was a great success.
  • take to one's heels
    убегать, удирать
    The boys were stealing apples from the garden and took to their heels when they saw the owner approaching them.
  • take to the woods
    уклоняться от ответственности, спрятаться в кусты
    Jeremy Scott was determined to take to the woods rather than that pay alimony to his wife.