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take it out on (someone or something)
выместить на ком-либо \ чём-либо (своё плохое настроение)Tim came home angry at losing his job and took it out on his wife.
take it slow
идти, передвигаться медленноI don't like an icy road and always take it slow.
take it upon oneself to (do something)
брать на себя ответственность"You can't possibly take it upon yourself to make such a serious decision."
take its toll
причинять вред, ущербThe war took its toll on the nation's manhood.
take kindly to (someone or something)
быть довольным кем-либо \ чем-либоI don't take kindly to people who try to impose their opinions on me.
take leave of one's senses
сойти с ума, потерять рассудок, обезуметьMy brother had taken my car without my permission; I got angry and told him he had taken leave of his senses.
take liberties with (someone or something)
позволять себе вольности с кем-либо \ чем-либо"You must stop taking liberties with the young woman who works in your office."
take minutes
вести протокол (на собрании)"Who is to take minutes at the meeting today?"
take no stock in (something)
не обращать внимания на что-либо"I advise you to take no stock in what people say about your appearance."
take note of (something)
подмечать и запоминать что-либоThe father took note of the time to give his son some medicine.
take notice of (something)
замечать, обращать внимание на что-либоI took notice of the car standing in my drive way and wondered whose car it might be.
take off
быстро или внезапно уйти, убежатьThe children were playing ball in my garden; they took off when they saw me.
take off after (someone or something)
преследовать, гнаться за кем-либо \ чем-либоThe dog took off after the cat which quickly jumped on the fence.
take off one's hat to (someone)
выражать восхищение, преклоняться перед кем-либо, "снимать пере кем-либо шляпу"I take off my hat to Sally for her courage and endurance.
take off time
отсутствовать, взять отгул (на работе)I wanted to visit my parents, so I took off a few days from work.
take offense at (someone or something)
обидеться на кого-либо \ что-либоMike is quick to take offense at his girlfriend.
take office
приступить к должности (после выборов или назначения)The President is expected to take office a week after the election.
take on (an employee)
нанять, взять кого-либо на работуFanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
take on (someone)
принимать кого-либо на работу, службуFanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
take on (something)
загружать, брать грузThe huge jet took a lot of cargo on board.
take on too much
брать на себя слишком много (работы, заданий)I don't want my mother to take on too much house work.
take one's cue from (someone)
воспользоваться чьим-либо указанием, понять намёкThe actors took their cue from the film director when the new movie was being shot.
take one's eye off the ball
отвести глаза от чего-либо, упуститьThe mother took her eye off the ball for only a second, and the child fell into a puddle.
take one's hat off to (someone)
преклоняться перед кем-либо, выражать восхищение, снять шляпу перед кем-либоZeta deserves every praise there is in the world; I take my hat off to her.
take one's leave of (someone)
попрощаться с кем-либоThe delegation took their leave of the President and left the assembly room.
take one's mind off (something)
отвлечься от чего-либо, перестать беспокоитьсяSusan went shopping to take her mind off her family problems.
take one's own life
покончить жизнь самоубийствомNobody knows the reason why the young man took his own life.
take one's own medicine
принять заслуженное наказание, не жалуясьCriticizing others is one thing; taking one's own medicine is something different.
take one's time
не торопиться, не проявлять торопливости"Take your time and tell me in plain words what you want."
take one's vows
давать клятву верности (во время бракосочетания)The bride and groom turned to face each other in front of the people and the priest, held each others' hands and took their vows.
take out (someone)
пригласить на свидание, повести (в кино, в театр и т.д.)I like Sally, but I have no chance of taking her out.
take out a loan
взять кредит, ссудуEdna had to take out a loan to buy a new house.
take over (something)
брать что-либо под контроль, под ответственность или принимать во владениеThe government is going to take over the mining industry of the country.
take part in (something)
принимать участие в чём-либо"Are you planning to take part in the concert next week?"
take pity on (someone or something)
пожалеть кого-либо \ что-либоI took pity on the little kitten sitting in the rain and decided to take it home.