Идиомы на букву T

  • take on the look/appearance of (something)
    начать походить на что-либо
    The puppies have gradually begun to take on the look of grown-up dogs.
  • take on too much
    брать на себя слишком много (работы, заданий)
    I don't want my mother to take on too much house work.
  • take one's cue from (someone)
    воспользоваться чьим-либо указанием, понять намёк
    The actors took their cue from the film director when the new movie was being shot.
  • take one's eye off the ball
    отвести глаза от чего-либо, упустить
    The mother took her eye off the ball for only a second, and the child fell into a puddle.
  • take one's hat off to (someone)
    преклоняться перед кем-либо, выражать восхищение, снять шляпу перед кем-либо
    Zeta deserves every praise there is in the world; I take my hat off to her.
  • take one's leave of (someone)
    попрощаться с кем-либо
    The delegation took their leave of the President and left the assembly room.
  • take one's mind off (something)
    отвлечься от чего-либо, перестать беспокоиться
    Susan went shopping to take her mind off her family problems.
  • take one's own life
    покончить жизнь самоубийством
    Nobody knows the reason why the young man took his own life.
  • take one's own medicine
    принять заслуженное наказание, не жалуясь
    Criticizing others is one thing; taking one's own medicine is something different.
  • take one's time
    не торопиться, не проявлять торопливости
    "Take your time and tell me in plain words what you want."
  • take one's vows
    давать клятву верности (во время бракосочетания)
    The bride and groom turned to face each other in front of the people and the priest, held each others' hands and took their vows.
  • take out (someone)
    пригласить на свидание, повести (в кино, в театр и т.д.)
    I like Sally, but I have no chance of taking her out.
  • take out a loan
    взять кредит, ссуду
    Edna had to take out a loan to buy a new house.
  • take over (something)
    брать что-либо под контроль, под ответственность или принимать во владение
    The government is going to take over the mining industry of the country.
  • take part in (something)
    принимать участие в чём-либо
    "Are you planning to take part in the concert next week?"
  • take pity on (someone or something)
    пожалеть кого-либо \ что-либо
    I took pity on the little kitten sitting in the rain and decided to take it home.
  • take place
    "Where will the meeting take place? Do you know?"
  • take precedence over (someone or something)
    иметь первоочерёдность, преимущество перед кем-либо \ чем-либо
    The rights of handicapped people take precedence over the rights of healthy people.
  • take pride in (something)
    гордиться чем-либо
    Mrs. Williamson takes pride in her well-kept garden.
  • take root
    пускать корни, приживаться
    Their cause has taken root and has spread its branches far and wide.
  • take shape
    принять форму, воплотиться, оформиться
    Suspicion of a frame-up began to take shape in their mind.
  • take sick/ill
    The little girl developed a high temperature last night; evidently she had taken ill.
  • take sides
    встать на чью-либо сторону, примкнуть к той или иной стороне
    It is always safer to take sides with a stronger party.
  • take steps to (prevent/do something)
    принять меры (чтобы предотвратить что-либо)
    They have installed the fire alarm system in order to take steps and be warned in case of fire.
  • take stock
    проводить инвентаризацию, учёт
    We are planning to take stock next week.
  • take stock in (something)
    относиться с доверием к чему-либо
    I have never taken stock in his crazy ideas.
  • take stock of (something)
    тщательно изучить, проанализировать ситуацию или возможности
    After taking stock of all the opportunities, I decided to take Accounting as my major.
  • take that tack
    взять другой курс, изменить линию поведения
    Jimmy decided to take that tack when he understood that his previous plans were no good.
  • take the bitter with the sweet
    стойко переносить превратности судьбы
    Theo was tough; he was able to take the bitter with the sweet.
  • take the bull by the horns
    решительно взяться за дело, "взять быка за рога"
    Margaret decided to take the bull by the horns and ask Desmond if he was going to marry her.
  • take the cake
    превзойти самого себя (в лучшую или худшую сторону)
    Edna was extremely cordial. Her friendliness took the cake.
  • take the checkered flag
    закончить гонку первым
    The French racer took the checkered flag for the first time and was very proud.
  • take the day off
    взять отгул (на работе)
    I'd better take the day off; I am feeling very tired and depressed.
  • take the edge off (something)
    притупить, ослабить, умерить что-либо
    Cora's objection took the edge off his arguments.
  • take the Fifth
    прибегнуть к пятой поправке (гарантирующей право не свидетельствовать против самого себя)
    He knew his right not to incriminate himself while testifying at a trial, so he decided to take the Fifth.