Идиомы на букву S

  • straight from the horse's mouth
    услышать прямо из чьих-либо уст
    I heard the news about my friend's promotion straight from the horse's mouth.
  • straight from the shoulder
    (говорить) прямо, без обиняков
    I appreciate my friend's open and honest ways; he always speaks straight from the shoulder.
  • straight out
    прямо, без обиняков
    I told Gina straight out that her essay was not very good.
  • straighten (something) up
    привести что-либо в порядок
    For a few minutes Wanda pottered about the room, straightening things up.
  • straighten out (someone or something)
    улучшать (положение), разрешать (задачу)
    Paul did his best to straighten out a very nasty situation.
  • stranger to (someone or something or somewhere)
    человек, не знакомый кому-либо; не знающий чего-либо
    I opened the door and saw a man; he was a stranger to me. I didn't know him from Adam.
  • strapped for cash
    не хватать денег, иметь мало денег
    I couldn't buy the dress I wanted because I was strapped for cash.
  • straw in the wind
    намёк, предупреждение
    When Nick messed up with his account, it was a straw in the wind that he might be given a sack soon.
  • straw that breaks the camel's back
    потерять терпение, переполнить чашу терпения
    When the secretary lost an important document for the third time it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and the boss decided to fire her.
  • straw that broke the camel's back
    переполнить чашу терпения
    Alan cheated on me again and it was the straw that broke the camel's back; I decided to break off with him.
  • stretch one's legs
    размять ноги
    After he had been driving for six hours, he stopped for a while to stretch his legs.
  • stretch the point
    не так строго соблюдать правила, сделать исключение
    I asked my employer to stretch the point and allow me to have flexible working hours.
  • stretch the truth
    I stretched the truth a little bit when I told my Mom what a nice guy my boy friend was.
  • strictly on the level
    быть честным, надёжным, заслуживающим доверия
    The bank clerks that the customers deal with are always strictly on the level.
  • strictly on the up-and-up
    честный, справедливый и прямой
    I never do business with anyone if everything is not strictly on the up-and-up.
  • strike (someone's) fancy
    нравиться, вызывать интерес
    I like thrillers; and the novels by Mary Higgins Clark always strike my fancy.
  • strike (someone) as (something)
    действовать на кого-либо определённым образом, казаться кому-либо
    It strikes me as strange that Solomon has decided to take up mountaineering.
  • strike (someone) as funny
    показаться смешным кому-либо
    Jean's new hat, of which she was very proud, struck me as funny.
  • strike a balance (between two or more things)
    находить компромисс между крайностями
    Paul was never able to strike a balance between his work and his hobby.
  • strike a bargain
    заключить сделку, прийти к соглашению
    I wanted to strike a bargain with my friend to buy his computer.
  • strike a chord with (someone)
    быть знакомым кому-либо, напомнить, вызвать отклик в душе
    Greg's words struck a chord with me and reminded me of my better days.
  • strike a happy medium
    найти золотую середину
    Our professor succeeded in striking a happy medium between being strict and being friendly to the students.
  • strike a match
    зажечь спичку
    He struck a match and saw a tiny kitten in the corner of the barn.
  • strike a pose
    встать в (определённую) позу
    My friend wanted to take my picture and he asked me to strike a pose.
  • strike a sour note
    выражать, означать что-либо неприятное
    The Dean's speech about truancy struck a sour note with many students.
  • strike at the heart of (something)
    ударить в самое сердце
    Her husband's infidelity struck at the heart of Mira's idea of a happy family life.
  • strike gold
    найти золотую жилу, напасть на золотую жилу
    Jeremy seems to have struck gold with his new computer games product.
  • strike it rich
    внезапно разбогатеть, преуспеть, "напасть на золотую жилу"
    Elvira struck it rich when she had won one million dollars in a state lottery.
  • strike out
    не удаваться, потерпеть неудачу
    I struck out in my attempt at fund rising.
  • strike out at (someone or something)
    ударить или напасть на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Somebody struck out at me and snatched my purse.
  • strike the right note
    взять верный тон
    It's difficult to strike the right note when people just won't listen to you.
  • strike up a conversation with (someone)
    начать разговор с кем-либо, заговорить
    I struck up a conversation with the lady sitting next to me on the plane.
  • strike up a friendship with (someone)
    завязать знакомство с кем-либо
    During his stay in Congo Joe struck up a friendship with a few natives.
  • strike while the iron is hot
    пользоваться благоприятной возможностью, "куй железо пока горячо"
    My friend told me about a vacancy in their office, so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and quickly applied for the job.
  • string (someone) along
    обмануть, одурачить кого-либо
    Charley doesn't intend to marry Pat - he is just stringing her along.