Идиомы на букву S
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stake a claim to (something)
закрепить своё право на что-либоIf you offer something free, people are apt to stake a claim to it.
stall off (someone or something)
задержать кого-либо \ что-либо, отложитьOur flight was stalled off, and we were hanging about the airport.
stamp out (something)
искоренять что-либо"I would like you to stamp out your bad habits."
stand (someone) in good stead with (someone or something)
оказаться полезным для кого-либо \ чего-либо, пригодитьсяIt will stand you in good stead with your future job if you get good education.
stand (something) on its head
придать чему-либо противоположное значение, исказить, поставить с ног на головуWe didn't agree with them because they stood this important matter on its head.
stand a chance of (doing something)
иметь возможность делать что-либоAlan stood a good chance of getting the job of a computer programmer.
stand behind (someone or something)
поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо"I will always stand behind you whatever you do."
stand by
быть наготове, стоять наготовеLifeboats were standing by in case the ship sank.
stand by (someone)
помогать, поддерживать, быть верным другомMarion is a very devoted wife; she always stands by her husband when he is in the lurch.
stand clear of (something)
держаться подальше от чего-либо"Please stand clear of the window or else you might catch cold."
stand corrected
признать ошибку, неправотуStella had to stand corrected when she made a mistake about the time of the flight.
stand for (something)
означать, символизироватьIn the Roman numerals the letter "C" stands for one hundred.
stand head and shoulders above (the rest/someone/something)
быть гораздо лучше кого-либо \ чего-либо, быть на голову выше остальныхMy new car stands head and shoulders above the one I had before.
stand in (someone's) way
стоять на пути кого-либо, быть барьером для чьих-либо желаний или намеренийSam did not want to stand in his ex-wife's way to happiness.
stand in awe of (someone or something)
испытывать благоговейный трепет перед кем-либо \ чем-либоI stood in awe of Turner's pictures exhibited in the National Gallery in London.
stand in for (someone)
замещать кого-либоRon had to stand in for the security guard who had been taken ill.
stand off (someone or something)
держать кого-либо \ что-либо на расстоянии, отдалятьThey were not able to stand off the rival teams and as a result they lost the tournament.
stand off from (someone or something)
держаться в отдалении от кого-либо \ чего-либоEmily is a very shy child; she usually stands off from the other children of her age.
stand on ceremony
придавать большое значение правилам поведения (церемониям)Please don't stand on ceremony; be natural and easy.
stand on one's head (to do something)
делать большие усилияJordan did everything but stand on his head to help his friend quit smoking.
stand on one's own two feet
быть независимым, прочно стоять на ногахJoe has a useful job and earns his own money, so he stands on his own two feet.
stand one's ground
стоять на своём, не отступать, не сдавать своих позиций"If you know you are right, stand your ground, don't yield."
stand out
выделяться (на фоне кого-либо \чего-либо)The statue of the Happy Prince stood out against the dark sky.
stand over (someone or something)
стоять над душой у кого-либо, контролировать что-либо"I don't want you to stand over me to make sure that I am doing my homework."
stand pat
проводить свою линию, противиться переменам"If I were you, I should stand pat and not do anything to cause further problems."
stand still for (something)
терпеть, переносить что-либоI won't stand still for any nonsense.
stand to reason
иметь смысл, само собой разумеетсяIt stands to reason that the children should spend more time outdoors.
stand up
выдерживать (высокую температуру или продолжительное пользование)Steel stands up well to high temperature.
stand up (someone)
не прийти (на встречу, свидание)First Jane agreed to go out with Tim, but then she stood him up.
stand up and be counted
выступить публично, занять решительную позициюI think I'll stand up and be counted before my boss takes decisive measures against me.
stand up for (someone or something)
отстаивать, защищать, поддерживатьA man must be able to stand up for his rights.
stand up to (someone)
смело выступить против кого-либоI can't help admiring Ken; he stood up to his boss and told him everything in his face.
standing joke
постоянная шуткаOne day Jim appeared at work in his pajamas, and it became a standing joke around our office.
stare (someone) in the face
быть очевидным"Are you looking for your pen? It's on your desk, staring you in the face."
stark raving mad
быть спятившим, сумасшедшимMrs. Bartlet is difficult to deal with because she is stark raving mad.