Идиомы на тему Law
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on trial
быть под судомTamara Cobra is on trial for shoplifting.
go into effect
начать действоватьThe new tax law will go into effect at the beginning of next year.
for cause
правомерные причины (которые принимаются во внимание судом)Maria was always late for work, no wonder she was fired from her job for cause after the violation of the office rule.
in good faith
честно, добросовестно, искреннеWendi acted in good faith when she gave me that piece of advice.
grounded in fact
основанный на фактахThe judge dismissed the accusations against Tim Burk because they were not grounded in fact.
have/get one's day in court
иметь возможность объяснить что-либо в судеMark Browbeaten had his day in court and was cleared of any wrongdoing.
false witness
фальшивый свидетельThe woman turned out to be a false witness in the case of shoplifting.
responsible party
ответственная сторона (человек или организация)The teachers' trade union was the responsible party for the street demonstration.
power of attorney
доверенностьRobert Crow has been given power of attorney over his father's money.
in kind
расплачиваться товаром, а не деньгами; расплачиваться натуройThey wanted to pay us back in kind for the use of their summer cottage.
subject to (something)
зависеть от чего-либоThe arrangement of a picnic was subject to weather conditions.
in public
открыть, публичноThe judge has told his colleagues that he is sick but will not admit it in public.
in consideration of (something)
с учётом чего-либоIn consideration of the amount of work I have to do I think I should charge more money for my services.
post mortem
вскрытие трупа для определения причины смертиTo determine the cause of the woman's death the autopsist performed a post mortem on her body.
miscarriage of justice
ошибка правосудияEverybody was sure that the light sentence the burglar received was a miscarriage of justice.
offensive weapon
холодное оружиеWhen the young man was arrested, they found an offensive weapon on him.
in bad faith
с нечестными намерениямиJack Robinson was bargaining in bad faith when he tried to sell a computer to me.
consecutive sentences
приговор по нескольким статьямThe criminal was given three consecutive sentences for assault, burglary and rape.
extenuating circumstances
обстоятельства, смягчающие винуBecause of extenuating circumstances, Robert Simpson didn't go to jail for kidnapping.
moral turpitude
позорное поведениеThe lawyer was accused of moral turpitude because he had distorted the facts.
grounds for (something)
основание для чего-либоI don't think there are any grounds for the man being prosecuted under law.
in/have custody of (someone or something)
(быть) под охраной, заключение под стражуAlan was mentally sick that's why he was placed in custody of the mental hospital.
penalty clause
штрафная неустойка, штрафная санкцияThere is a penalty clause in my bank loan agreement if I don't pay out the money in time.
punitive damages
убытки, присуждаемые в порядке наказанияThe man was awarded a large sum of money as punitive damages in his lawsuit against the landlord.
preliminary hearing
предварительное слушаниеThere was no need for a preliminary hearing because there was not enough evidence to charge the man with the crime.
on probation
быть условно освобождённым, находиться под присмотром полицииThe teenagers were on probation for robbing a cigarette store.
to stand trial
быть под судомBella Summerfield will have to stand trial for forgery.
to show cause
давать объяснениеThe man was asked to show cause as to why he had assaulted a passer-by.
in defiance of (someone or something)
открытое неповиновение кому-либо \ чему-либоThe man was in defiance of the court order as he didn't want to pay the fine.
in private
конфиденциальноThe teacher told Mary that she wanted to talk to her in private after class.
serve notice on (someone)
вручить уведомление кому-либоThe firm served notice on its employees that their salaries would be cut down since next month.
swear on a stack of bibles
поклясться на библииThe witness swore on a stack of bibles before he gave his testimony.
in abeyance
временная отмена, временное бездействиеThe law was in abeyance while the congressmen looked at it in more detail.
in dispute
подвергать сомнению, выступать противI looked through the contract and saw that some parts of it are in dispute.
in trust of (someone)
под чью-либо ответственностьAt his death Mr. Arnolds left all his property to his nephew in trust of the boy's mother.