Идиомы на тему Law
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beyond a reasonable doubt
почти наверняка, вне всякого сомненияThe judge told the jurors to come up with a verdict of guilty only if they were convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the man had committed the crime.
in the right
(быть) правымIn family quarrels, it is hard to say who is in the right.
for the record
заявить что-либо для протоколаWilliam was asked, for the record, to declare his intentions.
bona fide
без обмана, честноI could not very well believe that they made a bona fide effort to solve the dispute.
next of kin
близкий родственникMargaret was run over by a car, and the police had to notify the next of kin about the accident.
let (someone) off (easy)
освобождать от наказанияThe judge let Jeremy Brown off easy in spite of the fact that he was guilty of an assault.
give (someone) a slap on the wrist
назначить кому-либо лёгкое наказаниеA few high school students were taken to the police station and given a slap on the wrist because they had been playing truant.
on condition that
при условииElena agreed to act in the performance on condition that she could wear her own costumes.
last will and testament
завещаниеMr. Brown went to a notary to authenticate his last will and testament.
sit in judgment of (someone)
выносить суждение кому-либоThe members of the jury are to sit in judgment of the drug dealers' case.
out on parole
освобождать заключённого условно, условно-досрочное освобождениеDon Moss was out on parole after having spent two years in prison.
common law
общее право, неписаный законCommon law is mostly based on custom and court decisions of the past.
judge (someone or something) on its/their own merit(s)
судить о ком-либо \ чём-либо по достоинствуWe usually judge people on their own merits.
not hold water
не иметь смысла, быть нелогичнымMy friend likes arguing but very often his arguments do not hold water.
class action lawsuit
судебный процесс в интересах группы пострадавших людейThe miners decided to file a class action lawsuit against the owners of coal mines for damage to their health.
dangerous offender
опасный преступникJack Pitt was proclaimed to be a dangerous offender and was given a life sentence.
find (someone) innocent
признать кого-либо невиновнымMark Emmerson was arrested for burglary, but the judge found him innocent.
laugh (something) out of court
посмеяться над чем-либо, высмеять что-либоThey laughed the case out of court as being extremely ridiculous.
burden of proof
бремя доказательства; необходимость доказать оспариваемый фактGeorgina had accused Jack of swindling and the burden of proof fell on her during the trial.
cross-examine (someone)
подвергать перекрёстному допросуThe lawyer cross-examined the principal witnesses for the prosecution Janet Mackenzi, maid to the dead woman.
assemble a case (against someone)
собрать доказательства против кого-либоThere was not enough evidence, so the prosecution was unable to assemble a case against the man.
of one's own free will/accord
по собственной воле, по своему желаниюIt was her choice; she had married that man of her own free will.
commercial law
торговое правоAfter I graduate the university I would like to practice in commercial law.
go scot-free/get off scot-free
избежать наказания или быть оправданнымDenis managed to get off scot-free in the case involving a car fraud.
build a case (against someone)
собирать доказательства для возбуждения уголовного делаIt was evident that Rick Thunder was guilty, yet they couldn't build a case against him.
in trouble with the law
не в ладу с закономWhen Simon was a teenager, he was often in trouble with the law.
decide in favor of (someone)
решить в пользу кого-либо, признать кого-либо невиновнымThe jury needed little time to decide in favor of the prisoner, a young man named Leonard Vole who was charged with the murder of a wealthy elderly lady.
quid pro quo
квипрокво, взаимные уступкиTo solve their dispute the authorities and the taxi-drivers gave up some of their demands in a quid pro quo effort.
breach of promise
нарушение обещания или соглашенияMr. Paderevski was accused of a breach of promise when he broke the contract to buy the house.
crack down on (someone or something)
принудить кого-либо строго исполнять правила или законThere was an increase in accidents on the road and the police decided to crack down on speeding cars.
run afoul of the law
нарушить законPaul Browning was arrested because he had run afoul of the law.
citizen's arrest
арест без ордераThe shopkeeper made a citizen's arrest of a shoplifter.
free and clear
полностью (владеть чем-либо), без ограниченийI own my country house free and clear.
pick holes in an argument
находить слабые места в аргументацииThe judge found it very easy to pick holes in the argument of the lawyer.
comparative negligence
неосторожность, халатность обеих сторон, преступная оплошностьThe traffic police determined that it was a case of comparative negligence for both the drivers and they both were responsible for the damage of their cars.