Идиомы на тему Law
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abide by a decision
придерживаться решения судаThe construction company had to abide by the decision of the court.
act of God
форс-мажор (события, происходящие по естественным причинам: землетрясения, наводнения и т.д.)An avalanche in the mountains was an act of God.
after the fact
после свершившегосяThey were told, after the fact, that the insurance company would not pay to rebuild the house.
as sober as a judge
(быть) трезвым как стёклышкоWhen the traffic police stopped Mike, he swore he was as sober as a judge.
assemble a case (against someone)
собрать доказательства против кого-либоThere was not enough evidence, so the prosecution was unable to assemble a case against the man.
assume liability
принимать на себя ответственность за понесённые убыткиThe construction company refused to assume liability for damaging the house by incautious actions.
at arm's length
сделка (на расстоянии) через посредникаI bought an apartment at arm's length and was not involved in any management decisions.
at the mercy of (the court/someone)
в полной власти, не имея защиты против (кого-либо \ чего-либо)The sea was stormy and the ship was at the mercy of the huge waves.
bail (someone) out
брать на поруки, вносить залогThe parents of the young delinquent had to pay much money to bail him out of prison.
beat the rap
избежать наказанияHaving hired a sophisticated lawyer, Jeremy was able to beat the rap.
beyond a reasonable doubt
почти наверняка, вне всякого сомненияThe judge told the jurors to come up with a verdict of guilty only if they were convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the man had committed the crime.
bona fide
без обмана, честноI could not very well believe that they made a bona fide effort to solve the dispute.
breach of promise
нарушение обещания или соглашенияMr. Paderevski was accused of a breach of promise when he broke the contract to buy the house.
breach of the peace
нарушение общественного порядка и спокойствияMy neighbors were charged with a breach of the peace because they were playing loud music late at night.
break the law
нарушить законThey found out that Marcia had broken the law, and she was sacked.
build a case (against someone)
собирать доказательства для возбуждения уголовного делаIt was evident that Rick Thunder was guilty, yet they couldn't build a case against him.
burden of proof
бремя доказательства; необходимость доказать оспариваемый фактGeorgina had accused Jack of swindling and the burden of proof fell on her during the trial.
case of mistaken identity
ошибочное опознаниеCelesta didn't do anything wrong; hers was a case of mistaken identity.
cast doubt on (someone or something)
поставить под сомнение что-либоThe evidence presented by a witness of the crime cast doubt on the truthfulness of her testimony.
causing a disturbance
нарушение общественного порядкаA few baseball fans were arrested for causing a disturbance after the game.
caveat emptor
принцип торговли, заключающийся в том, что покупатель несёт ответственность за проверку качества приобретаемого товараCaveat emptor is a good conception to remember when you are buying secondhand goods.
circumstantial evidence
косвенные доказательства или уликиJeremy thought he wouldn't be convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence only.
citizen's arrest
арест без ордераThe shopkeeper made a citizen's arrest of a shoplifter.
civil action
(подать) гражданский искMs. Brownbread took civil action over her complaint about her neighbors' trespassing.
civil law
гражданское правоCivil law deals with private matters but not with criminal cases.
class action lawsuit
судебный процесс в интересах группы пострадавших людейThe miners decided to file a class action lawsuit against the owners of coal mines for damage to their health.
clear (someone's) name
доказать чью-либо невиновностьMolly Morgan had to go to court in order to clear her name of the false charges.
come by (something) honestly
честно получить что-либоGordon Brown came by a large inheritance honestly, but some of his friends didn't believe him.
come clean (with someone/about something)
признаться в чём-либо, быть честным с кем-либо относительно чего-либоI decided to come clean with my friend about using his computer without his permission.
come down hard on (someone)
жестоко наказывать кого-либо, бранитьHe couldn't believe that they would come down hard on him. He hadn't committed the crime they accused him of.
commercial law
торговое правоAfter I graduate the university I would like to practice in commercial law.
common law
общее право, неписаный законCommon law is mostly based on custom and court decisions of the past.
common property
общая собственность (жителей)Parks in London are common property and anyone can use them.
community property
общее имущество супруговMy husband and I decided to give some of our community property to our children.
comparative negligence
неосторожность, халатность обеих сторон, преступная оплошностьThe traffic police determined that it was a case of comparative negligence for both the drivers and they both were responsible for the damage of their cars.