Идиомы на тему Law

  • moment of truth
    момент истины
    When you face the reality of some situation, there comes the moment of truth.
  • false pretenses
    ложно представленные факты
    I am sure Pat was acting under false pretenses when she decided to take a part of her sister's property.
  • to cease and desist
    не подлежать обжалованию, окончательный приговор
    To cease and desist means that one should stop doing something forever and not start again.
  • disturbing the peace
    нарушение спокойствия
    Two college students were arrested for disturbing the peace when they got into a fight on the campus.
  • matter of record
    зарегистрированный факт
    It was a matter of record how many unemployed there were in the city.
  • fee simple
    полновластное владение недвижимостью; поместье, наследуемое без ограничений
    The estate was held fee simple, that is, with the right to pass it to any heir.
  • straight and narrow
    прямой жизненный путь, (быть честным и законопослушным)
    Ronald had the straight and narrow route through life.
  • get off (easy/lightly)
    легко отделаться
    The boy stole a bicycle from his neighbor, but got off easy; he received very little punishment for his crime.
  • in arrears
    не уплаченный во время, просроченный платёж
    Mark has been in arrears with his rent payments lately.
  • settle (something) out of court
    уладить что-либо во внесудебном порядке
    There was some controversy between the company and the union, but it was finally settled out of court.
  • in the wrong
    (быть) не правым
    In attacking a little, Steve was plainly in the wrong.
  • in reference to (something)
    по поводу, относительно чего-либо
    At the meeting Paul spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts.
  • leading question
    наводящий вопрос
    The students didn't know what kind of answer to give, so the teacher started asking leading questions.
  • in effect
    в действии
    This law has been in effect for many years.
  • disorderly conduct
    нарушение общественного порядка
    The young man was charged with disorderly conduct in a public place.
  • prima facie
    на первый взгляд, кажущийся достоверным
    Prima facie it appeared that the supervisor had enough evidence to take legal action against one of the employees.
  • in plain English/language
    простым языком
    I was told to write the legal contract in plain English so that it could easily be understood.
  • on record
    официально зарегистрированный
    Nobody knows for sure when the famous artist was born, but the date of his death is on record.
  • examination for discovery
    предварительное разбирательство, при котором обе стороны могут ознакомиться со свидетельскими показаниями до суда
    Adam had to spend a long time in an examination for discovery session concerning his case.
  • on the bench
    вести заседание суда
    When I entered the courtroom, the judge was already sitting on the bench.
  • travesty of justice
    искажение, пародия на систему правосудия
    I regard court martial to be a travesty of justice.
  • conditional sale
    продажа с соблюдением определённых условий
    The sale of the estate was a conditional sale, and I couldn't occupy the house before the deal was complete.
  • in accordance with (something)
    в соответствии с чем-либо
    In accordance with the law people are not to trespass private property.
  • signed, sealed and delivered
    сделано по правилам
    The document has been done correctly, following all the necessary procedures; it was signed, sealed and delivered.
  • expert witness
    свидетельство эксперта или специалиста
    The expert witness was called to discuss the blood spots on the accused man's clothes.
  • privy to something
    посвящённый во что-либо
    William was not privy to Miranda's life, so he couldn't say whether she had any secrets.
  • small/fine print
    мелкий шрифт
    It's necessary to pay attention to the fine print before you sign a document or a contract.
  • in absentia
    в отсутствие
    As Simon had missed court sessions several times, the judge sentenced him in absentia.
  • legal age
    In most US states the legal age for voting is 27.
  • go legit
    начать легитимный бизнес
    They had been operating an illegal business for quite some time before they decided to go legit.
  • goods and chattels
    личные вещи, личная собственность
    All her goods and chattels were destroyed by the fire.
  • plea bargain
    признать свою вину (с целью смягчения наказания)
    Timothy Eagles thought he would receive a light punishment if he plead bargain.
  • in person
    "I want you to appear at the staff meeting in person."
  • grace period
    льготный период, срок отсрочки платежей
    I was given a 30-day grace period in which to pay my rent.
  • invasion of privacy
    посягательство на уединение
    I decided to sue my stepfather for the invasion of privacy because he often comes into my room without my permission.