Идиомы на тему Law
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out on bail
брать на поруки или вносить залогYoung Tom was arrested for swindling, but now he is out on bail.
at arm's length
сделка (на расстоянии) через посредникаI bought an apartment at arm's length and was not involved in any management decisions.
at the mercy of (the court/someone)
в полной власти, не имея защиты против (кого-либо \ чего-либо)The sea was stormy and the ship was at the mercy of the huge waves.
under oath
давать клятву, быть связанным клятвойBeing under oath, the woman described the scene of the crime as she had seen it that day.
to the letter
в точности, беспрекословноWhen filling in a document, you should follow the instructions to the letter.
hang in the balance
не принявший решения, "быть в подвешенном состоянии"The future of the company is hanging in the balance; they haven't decided yet what to do.
do not have a leg to stand on
не иметь поддержки, оправданияRobert did not have a leg to stand on in the defense of his behavior.
cop a plea
сделать чистосердечное признаниеDorothy Brown decided to cop a plea in order to get a lesser penalty.
get down to the facts
добраться до истины (фактов)Detective Finch tried to get down to the facts of the case before he started a thorough investigation.
hung jury
суд присяжных, который не смог вынести решениеThe jury was unable to agree on a verdict and the trial ended in a hung jury.
take precedence over (someone or something)
иметь первоочерёдность, преимущество перед кем-либо \ чем-либоThe rights of handicapped people take precedence over the rights of healthy people.
set (someone) free
выпустить из тюрьмы или освободить из пленаSamuel hoped that they would set him free because he hadn't committed any crime.
take the stand
занять место свидетеля (в зале суда)Berth took the stand in the murder trial yesterday.
pay one's debt (to society)
заплатить долг обществу (сидеть в тюрьме за преступление)The woman spent a few years in prison, paying her debt to society.
to be under a cloud (of suspicion)
быть под подозрениемIt was hinted that Pat and Pam were drug dealers and were under a cloud of suspicion.
throw the book at (someone)
сурово наказать кого-либоBecause it was the third time Sam Jordan had been caught speeding, the judge threw the book at him.
let (someone) go
выпускать из тюрьмы или из-под арестаThe judge decided to let the young man go because there was no evidence to incriminate him.
get a tongue-lashing
получить (устный) выговорThe students, who missed a lot of classes, got a tongue-lashing from the Dean.
come by (something) honestly
честно получить что-либоGordon Brown came by a large inheritance honestly, but some of his friends didn't believe him.
fair and impartial
беспристрастный, справедливый, непредвзятыйThe criminal was taken to court and given a fair and impartial trial.
jump bail
не явиться в суд после освобождения под залогThe police were afraid that the man might jump bail and leave the country.
clear (someone's) name
доказать чью-либо невиновностьMolly Morgan had to go to court in order to clear her name of the false charges.
give notice
подать заявление об уходе или прекращении договораCora Trenton didn't like her job of a secretary, so she gave notice.
get the benefit of the doubt
оправдать кого-либо (за недостаточностью улик)Tim Osgood was tried for burglary but got the benefit of the doubt.
draw up an agreement/contract
составлять (в письменном виде) договор \ контрактHarry Summerfield drew up the deeds and agreements for the real estate company.
get one's knuckles rapped
получить порицание, наказание за что-либоSteve Parson got his knuckles rapped for having violated the traffic rules.
take an oath
произнести клятвуRon took the stand and took an oath to tell the truth.
civil law
гражданское правоCivil law deals with private matters but not with criminal cases.
case of mistaken identity
ошибочное опознаниеCelesta didn't do anything wrong; hers was a case of mistaken identity.
take effect
вступить в силу (о законе, постановлении)The new tax law took effect a few months ago.
open-and-shut case
простое, элементарное делоThat is a simple and clear matter, and I hope it will be an open-and-shut case.
assume liability
принимать на себя ответственность за понесённые убыткиThe construction company refused to assume liability for damaging the house by incautious actions.
under arrest
(быть) под арестомBob Oliver was seen breaking into the neighbor's cottage, and he soon found himself under arrest.
give (someone) their freedom
выпустить на свободуThe judge decided to give the young man his freedom because of his good behavior in prison.
have a case (against someone)
свидетельское показание, которое может быть использовано против кого-либо"Mind, the police have a very good case against you, so don't try to cheat them."