Идиомы на букву I

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  • in honor of (someone or something)
    в честь кого-либо \ чего-либо
    They gave the dinner in honor of the President of the firm.
  • in the meantime
    тем временем
    Miriam was clearing the table and in the meantime Marion was washing up.
  • in lieu of (something)
    вместо чего-либо
    In lieu of keeping the goods till the season is high they sold them out immediately.
  • in agreement
    быть согласным, в согласии
    All the members of the family are in agreement as to the purchase of a new TV set.
  • invasion of (someone's) privacy
    посягательство на чьё-либо уединение \ на личную жизнь
    My stepfather entered my bedroom without knocking and I told him it was an invasion of my privacy.
  • in tune
    в согласии
    Sam and Sarah have been in tune with each other ever since they started going out.
  • in bad/poor taste
    грубый, вульгарный, плохого вкуса
    "I wish you would stop telling me your jokes; they are in poor taste."
  • in one's opinion
    по чьему-либо мнению
    In my opinion, Jack is not fit for the job of a security guard; he is neither brave nor responsible enough.
  • in the event of (something)
    в случае, на случай чего-либо
    In the event of an earthquake, everybody is to leave the houses.
  • in session
    заседание (суда)
    The court was in session when Stan arrived at the court house to take the stand.
  • in tow
    на буксире
    A small car was in tow of a big trailer.
  • in perpetuity
    Tobias was given the right to use the land near his house in perpetuity.
  • in horror
    в ужасе
    The fire in the building was going strong, and the people watched it in horror.
  • in arms
    готовый бороться, вооружённый
    The miners were in arms when they learnt that several mines would be closed soon.
  • in a tizzy
    в возбужденном состоянии, в замешательстве
    On the Eve of Christmas the children were in a tizzy; they thought of the presents that awaited them.
  • in the mainstream
    главное течение, основное направление
    Aurora has been in the mainstream as far as fashionable clothes are concerned.
  • in the nude
    обнажённый, нагишом
    Jess was in the nude after her shower when the doorbell rang.
  • in one's good books/graces
    быть в чести у кого-либо
    I have been in my uncle's good books since I taught him how to use a computer.
  • in league with (someone)
    в тайном соглашении или партнёрстве с кем-либо
    The Chief Executive has been in league with the management of the factory to try and sell it.
  • in heaven
    быть на небесах от счастья
    Rick proposed marriage to Marilynn and she was in heaven.
  • in one's tracks
    тотчас же, сразу, немедленно
    He stopped in his tracks and looked around like a hunted animal.
  • in general
    в основном
    In general, Willy prefers to go out with his girl friend only on the weekends.
  • in love
    быть влюблённым
    Carry was in love with Tim, and she didn't care whether she knew much or little about his background.
  • in brief
    The teacher explained in brief what homework the students were supposed to do.
  • in some/many respects
    относительно некоторых деталей, в некотором отношении
    In many respects our new TV set is much better than our old one.
  • into being
    возникать, начать существовать
    The new tax law came into being this year.
  • in exchange for (someone or something)
    в обмен на кого-либо \ чего-либо
    The boy received a toy train in exchange for a toy car.
  • in hock
    в ломбарде
    I was short of money so I had to put my mink coat in hock to get some money.
  • in detail
    в деталях
    "Please, tell me in detail what has happened to you."
  • in force
    (прийти) очень большой группой (толпами)
    The fans came out in force to cheer for their favorite pop singer.
  • in drag
    носить одежду противоположного пола
    When I entered the cafe, I was shocked to see so many men in drag.
  • in point of fact
    в действительности, в сущности, фактически
    He had, in point of fact, no real convictions.
  • in a stupor
    в оцепенении, в ступоре
    David sat in a stupor, staring fixedly at the wall.
  • in one's face
    неожиданно, резко
    The bargain suddenly blew up in my face just as I was about to start negotiations.
  • in storage
    (поместить ) на хранение
    When they were moving to another town, they had to put all of their furniture in storage.