Идиомы на букву I
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in times past
давным-давно, в прошломIn times past a lot of people lived in small one-storey houses.
in need
в нуждеThe summer was very dry, and the plants were very much in need of water.
inside track
преимущество, выгодное положениеThe horse had the inside track and was able to win the race.
in its entirety
полностью, в целомI watched the film in its entirety although it was not very difficult.
in the interim
в промежутке, тем временемOur office is not yet redecorated so in the interim we use another one.
in neutral
в нейтральном положении (нейтральное положение рычага коробки передач)The gear was in neutral and the car didn't move while I waited at the intersection for the other cars to pass.
in for (something)
не в состоянии обойти что-либо (неприятности)I am in for a lot of trouble now as I was unable to pay my bank loan.
in spite of
несмотря наIn spite of the terrible storm all the houses in the town were intact.
in line
в очередиIf the film is good, people tend to stand in line for hours.
in labor
схватки при родах, родыElsa Brown has been in labor since early morning.
in tatters
порванный в клочьяMy dog likes to play with my slippers and I always find them in tatters.
in recent memory
что-либо, что отложилось в памяти; "насколько помнится"In recent memory our boss has never been so upset before.
in earnest
серьёзно, искренне"Is Frieda in earnest about resigning from her job?"
in shambles
в беспорядкеThe house was in shambles after Lucy and her friends had a party.
in the line of duty
служебный долгMany American soldiers fighting in Iraq were killed in the line of duty.
in the groove
(быть) в подходящем настроении; делать что-либо хорошоThey were in the groove and finished the job sooner than it was expected.
in good with (someone)
быть благосклонным к кому-тоMy friend is in good with her French instructor.
in on (something/a secret)
узнать что-либо по секретуI was finally in on the secret about why my aunt had divorced her second husband.
in plain language/English
простым, ясным языком; доходчивоMy Internet provider explained to me in plain English the terms of their service.
in the buff/raw
без одежды, нагишомEva was taking a shower and was in the raw when the telephone rang.
in other words
другими словамиIn other words, Ansell turned out to be a liar and now nobody trusts him.
in good repair
в исправном состоянииMy uncle has a big collection of clocks and all of them are in good repair.
invest (something) in (something)
вкладывать что-либо во что-либо, инвестироватьJeffrey Archer invested a lot of money into a Canadian company.
in print
в печати"Do you know if this textbook is still in print?"
in ruin
в развалинахMost of the hotels on the islands lay in ruin after the huge flood.
in the affirmative
утвердительноHe asked me if I would like to take part in the expedition and I answered in the affirmative.
in the case of (someone or something)
дело, касающееся кого-либо \ чего-либоIn the case of the burglar who got into our neighbor's house, he went to jail for several years.
in the open
под открытым небомPaintball is suitable for those who like to be out in the open.
in jeopardy
быть в опасности, рисковатьNot only Nell's business her whole life was in jeopardy.
in part
частичноThe reason David doesn't intend to enter the university this year is in part because he needs money.
in secret
по секретуSue told me about her forthcoming marriage in secret.
in hopes of (something)
в надежде, ожидании чего-либоIvan applied for a good job in hopes of earning a lot of money.
in rags
в лохмотьяхThe man looked weird; he had a large head, small gray eyes, an enormous nose and he was in rags.
in one's own best interest(s)
в чьих-либо собственных интересахIt is in my own best interests to find a better paid job.
in short order
тотчас же, незамедлительноThe waiter brought my roast beef in short order.