Идиомы на букву I

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  • in the offing
    в ближайшем будущем
    Joe was sick and had nothing to hope for in the offing.
  • in a rush
    впопыхах, торопливо
    It's not worth doing anything in a rush.
  • in particular
    в особенности, в частности
    My father likes almost all sports but in particular he loves basketball.
  • in advance
    "You'd better reserve the tickets in advance so that you may get a good seat in the auditorium."
  • in case/in case of
    в случае если; как мера предосторожности
    In case of theft, you should always keep your car in the garage.
  • in good conscience
    иметь хорошие намерения, с чистой совестью
    "I cannot in good conscience believe you."
  • in trouble
    в трудной ситуации
    Simon was in trouble because he had been stealing clothes from the shop.
  • in accordance with (something)
    в соответствии с чем-либо
    In accordance with the law people are not to trespass private property.
  • in (someone's) clutches
    под жёстким контролем, "в тисках"
    I suppose Steve is in his parents' clutches because he is not as responsible as he should be.
  • in store
    (быть) наготове, припасти, (быть) в запасе
    Daniel didn't care what the future had in store for him.
  • in Dutch (with someone)
    в ссоре с кем-либо, в немилости
    The student was in Dutch with his teacher for missing classes.
  • in a spot
    в трудном положении, в неловкой ситуации
    Tina was in a spot because her parents had refused to pay her living expenses.
  • in absentia
    в отсутствие
    As Simon had missed court sessions several times, the judge sentenced him in absentia.
  • in place of (someone or something)
    вместо кого-либо \ чего-либо
    The house was damaged during the hurricane and they had to build a new roof in place of the old one.
  • in keeping with (something)
    в соответствии с чем-либо
    In keeping with the rules the people are to leave the building as soon as the fire alarm rings.
  • in denial
    отказываться верить
    The woman was in denial about the fact that her husband had filed for a divorce.
  • in the mood for (something)
    (быть) настроенным на что-либо
    Ethel was not in the mood for a party.
  • in season
    своевременно, в подходящий момент, как раз во время
    The grapes were in season, and they were very delicious.
  • in person
    "I want you to appear at the staff meeting in person."
  • in all one's born days
    за всю свою жизнь
    In all her born days she has never seen such a beautiful view.
  • in awe of (someone or something)
    благоговейный страх перед кем-либо \ чем-либо
    All the workers were in awe of the Company President who came to visit the plant.
  • into thin air
    исчезнуть, раствориться (в воздухе)
    My new camera vanished into thin air and I never saw it again.
  • invasion of privacy
    посягательство на уединение
    I decided to sue my stepfather for the invasion of privacy because he often comes into my room without my permission.
  • in common
    (иметь) общее
    "What do you have in common with those guys, I wonder?"
  • in nothing flat
    My mother promised to patch my jeans in nothing flat.
  • in place
    в нужном месте, на своём месте
    There had been a burglary, and the police asked the owners of the house to see if everything was in place.
  • instrumental in (doing something)
    играющий важную роль, способствующий
    Our sponsor was instrumental in having new computers installed in the school.
  • in name only
    фактически не существующий
    My aunt was an archeologist in name only and had never been to the diggings.
  • in good faith
    честно, добросовестно, искренне
    Wendi acted in good faith when she gave me that piece of advice.
  • in the air
    распространяться (о слухах), "носиться в воздухе"
    It was in the air that their department would be reorganized.
  • in hindsight
    задним числом
    In hindsight, he was determined to tell the truth.
  • in ink
    (писать) чернилами
    Documents can't be written in pencil; they must always be written in ink.
  • in kind
    расплачиваться товаром, а не деньгами; расплачиваться натурой
    They wanted to pay us back in kind for the use of their summer cottage.
  • in between
    между двумя (вещами, состояниями)
    Lorna was in between two jobs at present.
  • in mint condition
    в прекрасном состоянии
    The old banknotes that my Grandmother gave her grandson were in mint condition.