Идиомы на букву I

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  • in one's salad days
    в чьей-либо молодости
    In his salad days Ken was a very handsome guy.
  • in a flash
    Collin didn't suppose that he would be finished with the job interview in a flash.
  • inclined to (do something)
    быть расположенным \ быть склонным делать что-либо
    "I am not inclined to let you do it."
  • in limbo
    в состоянии неопределённости, "в подвешенном состоянии"
    They promised to let me know if I'd be one of their employees and I have been in limbo ever since.
  • in trouble with the law
    не в ладу с законом
    When Simon was a teenager, he was often in trouble with the law.
  • in a mad rush
    в бешенном темпе, в спешке
    Sylvester is always in such a mad rush that he never thinks of anything.
  • in a way
    в некотором смысле, до известной степени
    He was a big, strong man, and many women must have liked him. Sarah liked him too, in a way.
  • in the hands of (someone)
    в руках кого-либо, под контролем
    The court decision of the murder case was in the hands of the jury.
  • in short supply
    не хватать
    The textbooks were in short supply so two students had to share one book.
  • in the limelight
    в центре всеобщего внимания
    Jameson is an actor and he likes being in the limelight.
  • in one's shoes
    быть на месте кого-либо
    "You are lucky to have found an excellent job. I wish I were in your shoes."
  • in a hurry
    второпях, поспешно
    In the morning Martha is always in a hurry; she is afraid to be late for work.
  • ill-gotten gains
    (что-либо) добытое нечестным путём
    "I am sure Mr. Bobtail's wealth is ill-gotten gains."
  • in the prime of life
    во цвете лет, в расцвете сил
    While traveling in Africa, Herbert was infected with a strange disease and died in the prime of life.
  • I/you/he for one
    что касается меня (тебя, его), я (ты, он) например
    A lot of people do not like certain foods. I for one never eat fish.
  • in the chips
    (быть) состоятельным
    Ricardo has always wanted to be in the chips.
  • in broad daylight
    белым днём
    Seen now in broad daylight, Jane looked tall, fair and shapely.
  • in the hole
    (быть) в долгах, нести потери
    Wanda can scarcely make both ends meet; she is always in the hole.
  • IOU
    I Owe You - долговая расписка
    IOY is an abbreviation for 'I owe you'; it's a signed paper which shows that you borrowed money from someone.
  • implicate (someone) in (something)
    впутывать, подозревать кого-либо в чём-либо
    Two officials were implicated in a bribery scandal.
  • in the homestretch
    в стадии завершения
    The project to build a new shopping mall was in the homestretch.
  • in one's spare time
    в свободное время
    "What do you like doing in your spare time?"
  • in (someone's) name
    на имя кого-либо
    Wanda had put all of their property in her husband's name so that it would be easier to get a loan on it.
  • in debt
    в долгу
    Derek was heavily in debt, but he had no money to pay his debt.
  • in the wake of (something)
    по пятам, по следам, позади чего-либо
    The children were following obediently but not too enthusiastically in the wake of a big cart.
  • in charge of something
    быть ответственным за что-либо
    The man in charge of the job said that they had forgotten to leave a gap in the fence.
  • in order to
    для того, чтобы
    One must work hard in order to succeed.
  • inside and out
    всё полностью
    They checked the office inside and out for the lost document.
  • in time
    во-время, без опоздания
    "I want you to come home in time so that we may have dinner together."
  • in the wrong place at the wrong time
    не в том месте, не в то время
    The man in the boat was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the storm hit him.
  • irons in the fire
    много дел
    I am not going to have too many irons in the fire; I'll be tired out if I do it.
  • in the market for (something)
    (быть) готовым купить что-либо
    Betty is in the market for a second-hand car as she doesn't have enough money for a new one.
  • in the act of (doing something)
    во время какого-либо действия
    The boys were caught in the act of stealing apples from my neighbor's garden.
  • in a rut
    рутина, однообразная работа
    Samantha has been doing the same job for six years, and she feels that she is in a rut.
  • in a pinch
    подойдёт, когда ничего другого нет; в случае нужды
    This frying pan will do in a pinch if you don't have a better one.