Идиомы на букву I

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  • in over one's head
    сверх головы (трудностей, работы и т.д.)
    I was in over my head when I tried to do two jobs at a time.
  • in the dark
    не иметь информации, быть в неведении, "блуждать в потёмках"
    Jeremy was in the dark about my plans for the future.
  • in the running
    быть кандидатом (на какой-либо пост)
    Kevin Davidson was in the running for a job in the city administration.
  • in one ear and out the other
    в одно ухо влетело, из другого вылетело"
    Sally is very absent-minded; everything you say to her seems to go in one ear and out the other.
  • in single file
    стоять в ряд друг за другом
    The people lined up in single file before they entered the auditorium to watch a new film.
  • in one fell swoop
    одним разом
    In one fell swoop the Smiths sold their house in Fitchburg and moved to Canada.
  • Ivy League
    небольшая группа наиболее престижных университетов
    Ivy League school is a small group of famous eastern United States universities such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
  • in a fool's paradise
    нереальный мир, мир фантазий; призрачное счастье
    "I think you are living in a fool's paradise; it's time you were more realistic."
  • in hot water
    иметь неприятности
    Hob was in hot water at work because he had exceeded the budget limit.
  • in no time
    скоро, быстро
    If something goes wrong with the iron, my Dad is sure to put it right in no time.
  • in the same breath
    почти одновременно, не переводя дыхания
    Ronald said he was busy, but in the same breath he offered to drive us to the country.
  • in seventh heaven
    (быть) на седьмом небе (от счастья)
    Sally has been in seventh heaven since Charley proposed marriage to her.
  • in this day and age
    сейчас, в настоящее время
    In this day and age it is next to impossible to find plain sweaters as they have gone out of fashion.
  • ill at ease
    чувствовать себя неловко, нервничать
    I saw that Jimmy felt ill at ease and decided not to tell him about his failure.
  • in the flesh
    во плоти, живьём, собственной персоной
    Irene never had the chance of meeting somebody important in the flesh.
  • in the loop
    работать вместе с другими работниками
    Jim began to work on his own and was no longer in the loop at the company.
  • in a bad way
    в плохом \ критическом состоянии
    He was still in a bad way after the operation.
  • in a family way
    быть беременной, ожидать ребёнка
    Vivian usually said delicately that she was in a family way when she had to mention such matters.
  • in deep water
    в трудной ситуации
    I am in deep water because of my problems at work.
  • intent on (doing something)
    настойчиво стремящийся к чему-либо, настроенный решительно на что-либо
    Jack was intent on taking business psychology as his major.
  • in care of (someone)
    послать на чьё–либо имя корреспонденцию для другого лица
    "I will send you a letter in care of your parents. O.K?"
  • in full swing
    в самом разгаре
    The party was in full swing when Dana and Samantha appeared.
  • in a kind/sort of way
    до некоторой степени, отчасти
    In a sort of way she pitied George as he sat there, very much the skeleton in his dilapidated striped suit.
  • in the same league as someone
    (быть) наравне с кем-либо, на одном уровне
    John Brown was not in the same league as his opponent Jack White.
  • in less than no time
    очень быстро
    "Don't worry! I'll come back in less than no time."
  • in the right place at the right time
    в нужном месте, в нужное время
    Harold was invited to take part in a television series; he was in the right place at the right time.
  • in charge of (someone or something)
    быть ответственным за кого-либо \ что-либо
    The man in charge of the job admitted that they hadn't left a gap in the fence to get their truck out.
  • interested in (someone)
    проявлять интерес к кому-либо
    Adam is interested in Margaret, but she is interested in Paul.
  • in a world of one's own
    в глубокой задумчивости, в своём собственном мире
    Lionel was in a world of his own, paying no attention to what was going on around him.
  • in safe hands
    в безопасности, под надёжным присмотром
    The students' documents were in the Dean's office in safe hands of the secretary.
  • in a positive frame of mind
    в хорошем расположении духа
    David has been in a positive frame of mind all day.
  • if looks could kill
    убийственный \ злобный взгляд; "если бы взглядом можно было убить"
    If looks could kill, then the look he gave me would have killed me at once.
  • in the works
    в процессе подготовки, запланировано
    The construction of a new bridge was in the works.
  • in the face of (something)
    вопреки, несмотря на что-либо, под угрозой
    Jim is a cool cucumber; he never loses his head in the face of danger.
  • in the driver's seat
    контролировать, держать под контролем
    Jim was in the driver's seat concerning his family's plans for their holiday.