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  • IMF
    International Monetary Fund - Международный валютный фонд (МВФ)
    The IMF or International Monetary Fund is an international agency that works to stabilize currencies.
  • in a little bit
    скоро, вскоре
    "I will come to see you in a little bit."
  • in the bullpen
    находиться в зоне подачи (в бейсболе)
    John Small, the pitcher, was practicing in the bullpen while he was waiting for a chance to enter the game.
  • ins and outs of (something)
    все детали чего-либо
    Doris is a skilled worker; she knows all the ins and outs of her profession.
  • in a hole
    в трудном \ стеснённом положении
    Jane is in an embarrassing position at work; she is really in a hole now.
  • invest someone with the power or legal right to (do something)
    предоставить кому-либо законное право делать что-либо
    During the demonstration the police were invested with the power to guard the White House.
  • in a coon's age
    очень долгое время
    I have not been at the theater in a coon's age.
  • in (someone's) favor
    в чью-либо пользу
    The judge ruled in the favor of the complainant in his dispute with the landlord.
  • in and out
    то появляться, то уходить \ исчезать; внутри и снаружи
    The secretary was in and out of the office all day.
  • in and of itself
    принимать во внимание одно (обстоятельство)
    In and of itself, there is no problem of having a lot of people in this small shop. However, the fire regulations won't allow it.
  • in addition to (something)
    в дополнение к чему-либо
    In addition to a semi-detached house in town she has a cottage in the country.
  • ill-disposed to (do something)
    проявлять нежелание делать что-либо
    They seem to be ill-disposed to cooperate with us.
  • itchy/itching palm
    (быть) нечистым на руку
    The government official was in trouble because he had an itching palm.
  • in need of (someone or something)
    нуждаться в ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Our old fence is in need of a new coat of paint.
  • in the clouds
    мечтать, "витать в облаках"
    Jenny is a dreamer; her head is always in the clouds.
  • in the saddle
    командовать, контролировать, "быть в седле"
    The chief executive is back in the saddle again after his business trip to Ecuador.
  • in contempt of court
    неуважение к суду
    George Croft was found to be in contempt of court because he had been rude to the judge.
  • in high gear
    на полной скорости, полным ходом (о приготовлениях)
    The preparations for his parents visit were in high gear when they called that they couldn't come.
  • in a lather
    (быть) взволнованным и обеспокоенным
    I was in a lather when my son hadn't come home from school.
  • in one's book
    по чьему-либо мнению
    In my book Martin doesn't deserve to be praised.
  • in a huff
    в припадке раздражения или гнева
    After the quarrel with his wife Jack left the house in a huff.
  • in due course
    в своё время
    "You will receive the instructions in due course."
  • in arrears
    не уплаченный во время, просроченный платёж
    Mark has been in arrears with his rent payments lately.
  • in pursuit of (something)
    в погоне за чем-либо
    Ken Mac Bright was in pursuit of his dream to become a film director.
  • in the wrong
    (быть) не правым
    In attacking a little, Steve was plainly in the wrong.
  • in reference to (something)
    по поводу, относительно чего-либо
    At the meeting Paul spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts.
  • in a month of Sundays
    в течение очень долгого времени
    "Upon my word, I haven't talked so much in a month of Sundays."
  • itching palm
    жадность к деньгам, наживе
    The government official was in trouble because he had an itching palm.
  • in effect
    в действии
    This law has been in effect for many years.
  • in fact
    In fact he was one of the most influential men in his country.
  • in bloom/blossom
    быть в цвету (о дереве, цветах)
    Trees and flowers are in bloom in spring.
  • in a word
    одним словом
    In a word, Peter was impatiently waiting for a promotion.
  • in plain English/language
    простым языком
    I was told to write the legal contract in plain English so that it could easily be understood.
  • in terms of (something)
    с точки зрения чего-либо
    Even his love for his own mother was expressed in terms of money.
  • in (someone's) prayers
    в чьих-либо молитвах
    Sasha's friend Andrew was in his prayers when the latter went on an expedition to the North Pole.