Идиомы на букву I
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in the charge of
на попечении кого-либоJane had been in the charge of her step mother before she went to a boarding school.
in flux
в постоянном изменении, меняющийсяThe situation has been in flux for some time now.
in character
соответствующий положению или характеру, типичныйGregory's words are entirely in character with his actions.
in no uncertain terms
открытым текстомI told my sister in no uncertain terms that I didn't want her to read my private letters.
in step with (someone or something)
быть согласным, идти в ногу с кем-либо \ чем-либоAll of the members of the staff were in step with the principal concerning the new rules.
it/something goes to show
показывать, демонстрировать правоту чего-либоHis failure goes to show that one has to work very hard to be successful.
in the know
хорошо осведомлённыйEvidently my boss is not in the know about what's going on in our department.
in all probability
весьма вероятноIn all probability I won't be able to join you for the trip to the Alps next month.
in defiance of (someone or something)
открытое неповиновение кому-либо \ чему-либоThe man was in defiance of the court order as he didn't want to pay the fine.
in the course of
в течение, во времяIn the course of the lecture the students were encouraged to ask questions.
in fashion
быть в модеDilute colors are always in fashion.
in private
конфиденциальноThe teacher told Mary that she wanted to talk to her in private after class.
in light of (something)
в свете чего-либо (новой информации), из-за чего-либоIn light of some new details they decided to make a few changes in the project.
in a snit
в припадке гнева или раздраженияMy teacher was in a snit because I had missed a lot of classes.
in progress
происходить ( в настоящее время)The operation is now in progress, and nobody is allowed to enter the operating room.
in luck
повезти, быть везучимI was in luck when I had inherited a very valuable collection of stamps.
in abeyance
временная отмена, временное бездействиеThe law was in abeyance while the congressmen looked at it in more detail.
in dispute
подвергать сомнению, выступать противI looked through the contract and saw that some parts of it are in dispute.
in on (something)
участвовать в чём-либо, объединиться для чего-либоThe children went in on a present for their mother for Mother's Day.
in consequence of (something)
в результатеI failed my exams in Math and Physics and in consequence of it I'll have to repeat the year.
in memory of (someone or something)
в память о ком-либо \ о чём-либоA beautiful monument is erected in memory of the soldiers who perished in World War II.
in the second place
во-вторыхIn the first place I am very upset and in the second place I don't feel like going anywhere tonight.
in custody of (someone or something)
под чьим-либо присмотром, под охранойAlan was mentally sick that's why he was placed in custody of the mental hospital.
in existence
существоватьThe city park has been in existence for ten years.
in trust of (someone)
под чью-либо ответственностьAt his death Mr. Arnolds left all his property to his nephew in trust of the boy's mother.
in no mood to (do something)
быть не в настроении делать что-либоI was tired and upset and in no mood to go anywhere that evening.
in receipt of (something)
при получении, получив что-либоI told my lawyer that I was already in receipt of the documents and that he may start the legal procedure.
in the balance
не принявший решения, под сомнениемThe decision whether to purchase a new house or not was still in the balance.
in disguise
изменять внешность, переодеватьсяGeorge looked like a clown in disguise.
in one's (own) backyard
помеха, неудобствоNobody wants a coal mine in their own backyard.
in round figures/numbers
округлённо, приблизительноSally was able to learn, in round numbers, how much it would cost to buy a condo.
issue a call for (something)
публично обратиться с просьбой о чём-либоThe hospital issued a call for people to donate blood to the wounded.
in sight
в поле зренияThere were neither people nor houses in sight as they were walking along the sandy road.
in essence
в своей основе, в сущностиMark is not a bad man in essence, but he is difficult to deal with.
in view of
на виду уThe speaker was in full view of the crowd.