Идиомы на тему Hand and Arm
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read the handwriting on the wall
предвидеть что-либо (подмечая детали и намёки)I could easily read the handwriting on the wall, and I knew beforehand what was going to happen to our firm.
receive (someone) with open arms
встретить кого-либо с распростертыми объятиямиWhen my friends came to visit us, we welcomed them with open arms.
right hand does not know what the left hand is doing
правая рука не знает, что делает левая, отсутствие согласованностиI am sorry to say but there isn't any appropriate communication in the company that's why the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
rub elbows (with someone)
тесно общаться с кем-либо, работать вместеI am a manager, and at work I rub elbows with a lot of people.
rule (someone) with an iron fist
управлять кем-либо железной рукойMr. Domby ruled his household with an iron fist.
rule of thumb
общепринятое правило; образец, модельIt is a rule of thumb that if a fire alarm sounds, it's necessary to call 911.
shake hands on (something)
пожать руки (в знак взаимного согласия)They shook hands on the agreement that they would coordinate their actions.
shake hands with (someone)
пожать руки в знак приветствияChan shook hands with his friend when he met him outside the office.
shot in the arm
прилив энергииI did a lot of work yesterday probably because of a shot in the arm.
show of hands
открытое голосование, голосование поднятием рукIt was proposed that we vote by a show of hands.
sit on its/their hands
скупо аплодировать, встречать жидкими аплодисментамиThe performance of the clown was very poor, and the audience in the circus sat on their hands.
sit on one's hands
сидеть сложа руки, бездействоватьI sat on my hands and watched the other members of the family clean the living-room.
slap on the wrist
легкое наказание, шлепок по рукеBobby received a slap on the wrist for having told his mother a lie.
slip through (someone's) fingers
упустить возможность, просочиться у кого-либо между пальцевSally had a very good opportunity of getting a good job, but she let it slip through her fingers.
someone's fingerprints are on (something)
оставить следы (отпечатки пальцев) на чём-либоThe criminal's fingerprints were on everything in the room; he had not been very careful.
stick out like a sore thumb
выделяться, быть хорошо видным"Don't you think you will stick out like a sore thumb if you put on this absurd attire?"
sticky fingers
склонность к воровствуLittle Bobby has sticky fingers, and his mother watches him all the time.
take (someone or something) in hand
взять в свои руки, пытаться контролировать кого-либо \ что-либоWhen disorders began, the police quickly took the situation in hand.
take (someone or something) off (someone's) hands
избавить от кого-либо \ чего-либо"Can you possibly take this problem off my hands?"
take a hand in (something)
принять участие в чём-либоI'd like to take a hand in arranging a homecoming ball at school.
take the law into one's own hands
расправиться без суда, пытаться отправлять правосудие самомуNed decided to take the law into his own hands and avenge himself on his offender.
throw one's hands up in horror
быть потрясённым, ужаснутьсяWhen Madge saw her beautiful garden destroyed by the flood, she threw her hands up in horror.
throw up one's hands (in despair/frustration)
возвести руки вверх в порыве отчаяния или разочарованияI threw my hands up in despair; I didn't know whom to turn for help.
thumb/hitch a ride
путешествовать (бесплатно) на попутных машинахMartin and Jimmy, who were hitch-hiking, thumbed a lift to the nearest town.
thumb/leaf through (something)
листать что-либо (книгу, журнал)Steve absent-mindedly thumbed through a News Week magazine while he was waiting for me.
thumbnail sketch
краткое описание кого-либо \чего-либоAll the books of this author include a thumbnail sketch of the plot.
thumbs up on (someone or something)
одобрять что-либо или чьи-либо действияWe were very pleased that everybody had voted thumbs up on our project.
tie (someone's) hands
мешать, связать кому-либо рукиMr. Brown hoped his son would not quit school, but his hands were tied; Jim was old enough to decide it himself.
to be in hand
под контролемDuring the demonstration the police had the situation with the crowd in hand.
to be on hand
(быть) в наличии, в распоряжении, имеющийся налицоThe shop has a large stock of clothes on hand.
try one's hand (at something)
попробовать свои силы в чём-либоI am going to try my hand at poker tonight.
turn one's hand to (something)
взяться за что-либо (отличное оттого, что делали ранее)After Mark finished writing a thriller, he turned his hand to screen plays.
turn thumbs down (on something)
не одобрить или отклонить что-либоEveryone turned thumbs down on his suggestion to sell the company.
twiddle one's thumbs
бездельничать; сидеть, сложа рукиI've got to be busy. I can't sit down and twiddle my thumbs.
twist (someone's) arm
силой заставлять кого-либо (делать что-либо)I often have to twist my son's arm to make him eat properly.