Идиомы на букву G
get time off
получить отпускI'd like to get time off in September.
get to (reach) first base with someone or something
сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либоJameson was not able to reach first base with his partner.
get to do (something)
получать возможность сделать что-либоThe children didn't get to visit their aunt in Chicago last summer.
get to first base
удаваться, удачно начинатьAlison hoped to have met her English instructor, but she couldn't get to first base.
get to one's feet
встатьThe students got to their feet at the end of the lecture.
get to the bottom of (something)
дойти до сути чего-либо"I'd like to get to the bottom of the matter all by myself," Cora said.
get to the heart of (something)
докопаться до сути дела"How am I supposed to get to the heart of the matter if you don't want to give me all the facts?"
get to the root of the problem
дойти до основания (сути) проблемыStuart was determined to get to the root of the problem about the funds.
get tough with (someone)
стать строгим с кем-либоIt's time the teachers got tough with the latecomers.
get two/three strikes against someone
оказаться в невыгодном положении, быть предупреждённым о промахахFelicity often has problems at work; she now has two strikes against her. I am afraid she might be fired if there are any more problems.
get under (someone's) skin
надоедать или расстраивать кого-либоLora is a bit of a busybody and it gets under my skin.
get under one's skin
надоедать или расстраиватьLora is a bit of a busybody and it gets under my skin.
get under way
начинатьсяThe jazz concert got under way early that evening.
get up
вставать (утром); вставать на ногиPamela got up early that morning.
get up enough nerve (to do something)
набраться достаточно храбрости, чтобы сделать что-либоAt last Tamara got up enough nerve to ask her boss about a promotion.
get up on the wrong side of the bed
встать с левой ноги, быть в плохом настроении"You must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning that's why you are in a bad mood."
get up the nerve to (do something)
расхрабриться, чтобы сделать что-либоNancy got up the nerve to ask her father to let her take his car.
get used to (someone or something)
привыкнутьI can never get used to getting up early.
get what's coming to one
получить, что заслуживаешьTom Sanders was involved in a car fraud and got what was coming to him.
get wind of (something)
услышать о чем-либоThe students got wind of the changes in the timetable from the secretary.
get wise to (someone or something)
разузнать, раскрыть секрет; познакомиться с кем-либо \ чем-либоAt last Jim got wise to the facts of the story.
get with it
быть внимательным; заняться деломThe traffic policeman told the driver to get with it or he might meet with an accident.
get worked up about/over (something)
разволноваться из-за чего-либоMy brother always gets worked up when I use his cell phone without his permission.
началоThe get-go of the performance was not so bad.
энергия, энтузиазмMy aunt, who is about eighty, still has lots of get-up-and-go.
get/gain/have the upper hand (on someone)
получить право контролировать кого-либоNow that Mike became the chief executive, he has the upper hand on all the employees of the company.
get/have a frog in one's throat
болезненное ощущение в горле (из-за простуды) поэтому трудно говоритьJane has got such a terrible frog in her throat that she cannot say a word.
get/have a lump in one's throat
почувствовать комок в горле (от волнения)While watching the film "Stepmother" I got a lump in my throat.
get/have gray hair
поседетьMs. Pottly is constantly worried about her son; she is getting gray hair from all the stress.
get/have the green light
получить добро, получить зелёный светThey got the green light to begin working at their project.
модное платье или костюм"What was that strange getup that your girl friend was wearing to the party?"
ghost of a chance
очень небольшой шанс (один из тысячи)I don't have a ghost of a chance to get in touch with my dentist today.
Government Issue - казённый, прозвище солдат в американской армииGI is the nickname of an American soldier.
gift of the gab
бойкость речи, дар красноречия ("язык хорошо подвешен")He had the gift of the gab and it attracted women to him.
gird up one's loins
собраться с силами (для выполнения трудной работы)Sara got ready to gird up her loins and begin to read for her Math exam.