Идиомы на букву G
grow on someone
привыкать, начинать нравиться кому-либоYou may not like our flowers, but they will grow on you in the end.
grow out of something
вырастать из чего-либо, перестать удовлетворятьLittle by little Nora began to grow out of her childish fears.
grow to do/like something
постепенно начинать что-либо делать, начинать нравитьсяLittle by little the boy grew to like the school, the teachers and his classmates.
grunt work
трудная и неблагодарная работаAll grunt work at home comes to my Mom as a rule.
guard against (someone or something)
оберегать кого-либо от чего-либо, охранятьThe lifeguard told the swimming instructor to guard the people against rough waves.
guard one's tongue
быть осторожным в высказыванияхSally never guards her tongue when she speaks to people that's why nobody likes her.
guest of honor
почётный гостьA few retired workers were guests of honor at the company banquet.
gulp for air
хватать ртом воздухThe smoke in the forest got so thick that I couldn't help gulping for air.
gum up
приводить в неисправность, засорятьThe sink in the kitchen gummed up so badly that I had to call in a plumber.
gun for (someone)
искать случая, чтобы причинить вред кому-либоJack had been gunning for his neighbor for no reason at all.
gun for (something)
упорно добиваться чего-либо (напр. продвижения по службе)Sally has been gunning for promotion since the day she started to work for that firm.
полный энтузиазма, увлечённыйShe does some volunteer work for the animal shelter and she is gung-ho about it.
gut feeling/reaction
интуитивное чувство или реакцияWhen Swan entered the room, he had a gut feeling that he was being watched.
gut feeling/reaction/response
интуитивное чувство, предчувствие, реакцияWhen Swan entered the room, he had a gut feeling that he was being watched.
gyp (someone) out of (something)
выманить у кого-либо что-либо, обманыватьThe bartender tried to gyp me out of some money.