Идиомы на букву G
go to waste
пропадать даромIt would be a pity if all this food went to waste.
go toe-to-toe with (someone)
стараться победить кого-либо в борьбе, споре, соревнованииSandra went toe-to-toe with her neighbor about the neighbor's dog.
go together
подходить, хорошо сочетаться"Look! This yellow hat and your red coat don't go together!"
go too far
делать больше допустимого, слишком далеко зайтиCora went too far when she accused her friend of lying.
go under
потерпеть неудачу, провалить(ся), обанкротитьсяThe performance went under right after the first act.
go under the knife
пойти на хирургическую операцию, "лечь под нож"Henry went under the knife and survived the operation.
go up in smoke/flames
кончиться ничем, не дать никаких результатовHis new project went up in smoke.
go whole hog
делать всё возможноеThey went whole hog in their effort to make sure that the contest would be a success.
go with (something)
подходить к чему-либо, гармонировать с чем-либоI thought the music went well with the film.
go with the flow
делать то, что делают другие; "плыть по течению"When Sam was young, he preferred to go with the flow and did what others told him to do.
go without (something)
обходиться без чего-либоOne can't go without food for more than a week.
go without saying
само собой разумеетсяIt goes without saying that we like hard-working and serious people.
go wrong
что-то не в порядке, что-то не такSomething has gone wrong with my electric iron.
энергичный, удачливый, предприимчивый человекI am not much of a go-getter. I work a lot but with very little success.
go/be belly up
разориться, обанкротитьсяWilliam was afraid lest his small book store should go belly-up.
go/turn beet-red
покраснеть из-за смущенияPam was sitting at my desk and looking through my papers. When she saw me, she turned beet-red.
going rate
существующий тариф \ расценка \ спросThe going rate for gardeners will go high this season.
gold mine of information
кладезь информации"You have helped me a lot; you are a real gold mine of information."
golden opportunity
прекрасная возможностьTo be able to take part in the beauty contest is a golden opportunity for Martha.
gone but not forgotten
умер, но не забытPushkin is gone but not forgotten.
gone goose
пропавший, исчезнувший, убежавший (человек)Nick is a gone goose. He won't come to the office again today.
gone to meet one's maker
умерший, "отправившийся к праотцам"The policeman had to tell Mrs. Rain that her husband had gone to meet his maker.
gone with the wind
исчезнувший навсегдаOur neighbors are gone with the wind and I am not sorry.
good deal
удачная покупка (хорошее качество по низкой цене)One can usually get good deal on clothes during the sales.
good egg
хороший человекJim is a good egg; he is very thoughtful and obliging.
Good grief!
Боже мой! (выражение удивления)"Good grief! It's 12 a.m. and the children are not in bed yet."
good old days
старые добрые временаThey sat and talked about good old days.
good riddance
избавление от чего-либо неприятного, "скатертью дорога"I had broken the plate with a crack and I said good riddance when I threw it into the garbage.
good riddance to bad rubbish
хорошо, что избавились; "баба с возу - кобыле легче""Good riddance to bad rubbish! I never liked my roommate and I was glad that he had left."
good sport
кто-либо, кто умеет проигрыватьDenny was a good sport and he never complained about losing.
good together
хорошо ладить друг с другом, никогда не ссоритьсяMax and Gina are very good together; I for one have never seen them quarrel.
бесполезный, ни на что не годныйMike Loader is a good-for-nothing man and a lazy worker into the bargain.
goods and chattels
личные вещи, личная собственностьAll her goods and chattels were destroyed by the fire.
goof off
слоняться без дела, "филонить"Rick came at six, goofed off for an hour and then left.
goose bumps
мурашки по кожеThe water in the lake was very cold, and I immediately got goose bumps when I started to swim.