Идиомы на букву G
get one's fill of (someone or something)
получить что-либо сполна, иметь достаточно общения с кем-либоI have got my fill of his presence and I don't want to see him again.
get one's foot in the door
проникнуть, устроитьсяOlaf got his foot in the door of the pharmaceutical industry and he hopes to be successful.
get one's hands on (someone or something)
найти кого-либо \ что-либо (с трудом)Jimmy was trying hard to get his hands on the documents.
get one's head above water
контролировать ситуацию (часто денежные проблемы)Peter decided to get his head above water so that he could control the situation in the firm.
get one's just deserts
получить по заслугамThe accountant was fired for swindling; I think she got her just deserts.
get one's knuckles rapped
получить порицание, наказание за что-либоSteve Parson got his knuckles rapped for having violated the traffic rules.
get one's money's worth
получить (деньги) сполнаFelix got his money's worth when he sold several pictures of old masters at the auction.
get one's nose out of (someone's) business
не лезть не в своё делоI told my brother to get his nose out of my business.
get one's nose out of (something)
не ввязываться во что-либоCelia wished her cousin would get her nose out of her private affairs.
get one's own way
добиваться своего; делать, как хочетсяMarion is very persistent; she always gets her own way in everything.
get one's rear in gear
поторопиться; "взять руки в ноги""We might be late for the train so let's get our rear in gear."
get one's say
выразить своё мнение, высказатьсяThe atmosphere at the meeting was very favorable, and everyone was able to get their say.
get one's sea legs
привыкнуть к чему-либо (например, к движению корабля)I couldn't get my sea legs on board the ship for a long time.
get one's start
начать какое-либо дело с нуляOne of my friends got his start by selling computers.
get one's walking papers
увольнять"Come to work in time if you don't want to get your walking papers."
get one's wires crossed
запутать(ся), перепутатьWanda got her wires crossed and got off at the wrong station.
get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
беспокоиться или быть расстроенным из-за кого-либо \ чего-либоMary easily gets herself into a stew over little things that are of no importance.
get or become mixed up
растеряться или запутатьсяThe old man becomes mixed up when he tries to use a cell phone.
get out from under (someone or something)
избегать неблагоприятной ситуацииSarah would like to get out from under her parents who are always nagging her.
get out of (someone's) face
оставить кого-либо в покое, уйти с глаз долойEva irritates me no end; I wish she would get out of my face.
get out of a jam
освободиться, избавиться от проблемы или от неблагоприятной ситуацииThey managed to get out of a jam only when a new air conditioner was installed.
get out of bed on the wrong side
встать с левой ноги, быть в плохом настроенииJim hasn't spoken to any of us all day; he must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side.
get out of hand
выйти из повиновенияThe meeting got out of hand and the police asked the participants to disperse.
get out of the way
уйти с дороги, не мешать"Please get out of the way; I am trying to do your bedroom."
get over (something)
преодолеть что-либо; оправиться после болезниVivian didn't quite get over her flu yet.
get ready
подготовиться"We are going to the country tomorrow so get ready for the trip."
get religion
стать религиознымAll of a sudden my aunt got religion and started going to church.
get rid of (something)
избавиться от чего-либоI avdised him to get rid of his bad habits.
get rolling
начать"I am leaving, but you should get rolling and try to finish your work today."
get serious
становиться серьёзными и длительными (о взаимоотношениях)Peter and Samantha had been dating for a few months before they began to get serious.
get set
быть готовым начать(ся)Everything got set for the beginning of the show.
get sick
заболеть"Don't walk in the rain; you might get sick."
get sidetracked
отвлечься от какого-либо делаMy friend dropped in and I got sidetracked in what I was doing.
get the ax
быть уволенным, "вылетить с работы"Henry got the ax because he had spoken rudely to his boss.
get the ball rolling
начать что-либо"If you want to arrange a homecoming party, let's get the ball rolling."