Идиомы на букву F

  • fizzle out
    закончиться неудачно (после хорошего начала)
    The show wasn't good, and it fizzled out sooner than it was expected.
  • for the life of (someone)
    ни за что на свете, "хоть тресни"
    The face looked familiar, but for the life of me I could not remember the man's name.
  • for the world
    ни при каких условиях, "ни за что на свете"
    I would not want to take this job for the world.
  • from cradle to grave
    с рождения до смерти, "от колыбели до могилы"
    The doctors of the local hospital look after their patients from cradle to grave.
  • for that matter
    в этом отношении
    John is a very good fellow, trustworthy and sensible, so is Jack, for that matter.
  • forever and ever
    навеки, навсегда
    The little girl remembered that day forever and ever.
  • force to be reckoned with
    сила, с которой приходиться считаться
    This young artist is a force to be reckoned with in the artistic world.
  • from the top
    с начала
    We decided to take it from the top and begin again.
  • force (someone) to the wall
    прижать кого-либо к стене (поставить кого-либо в экстремальное положение)
    They forced me to the wall so I had to do what they wanted.
  • from the outset
    с самого начала
    Sarah knew from the outset that her mother wouldn't like her new boy friend.
  • for the sake of (someone or something)
    ради кого-либо/ чего-либо
    I have decided to join a health club for the sake of my health.
  • for short
    для краткости
    My friend's name is Elizabeth, Liz for short.
  • fan the flames of (something)
    ухудшать ситуацию, "подливать масла в огонь"
    "Don't interfere. You'll only fan the flames of their quarrel."
  • for dear life
    отчаянно, изо всех сил (как если бы от этого зависела жизнь)
    He jumped on the running board of the car and hang on for dear life.
  • flush with (something)
    вровень с чем-либо
    The two pieces of a broken cup were flush with each other so I had no difficulty to glue them together.
  • from tip to toe
    с головы до пят, сверху донизу
    A sweet warmth overtook Lorna from tip to toe.
  • from way back
    Sheila and I have known each other from way back since we went to elementary school together.
  • fraught with danger
    чреватый опасностью, рискованный
    Their trip to the remote part of Africa was fraught with danger.
  • from side to side
    со стороны в сторону
    The wounded soldier was moaning, rocking from side to side.
  • from day to day
    день за днём, изо дня в день
    They were waiting for the birth of the baby from day to day.
  • fence (someone) in
    оградить кого-либо, ограничить свободу
    I don't like this house; it's too small and I always feel fenced in it.
  • fork over (something)
    передавать что-либо
    The stranger asked me to fork over a parcel to my father.
  • funny ha-ha
    очень смешной, комичный
    I can't say the film is funny ha-ha but it is still worth seeing.
  • favor (someone) with (something)
    удостоить кого-либо, оказать внимание
    "I would like you to favor the community people with your presence."
  • fall upon/on (someone or something)
    нападать на кого-либо, атаковать
    As he was walking along the street a pack of homeless dogs fell upon him.
  • frighten (someone) to death
    напугать кого-либо до смерти
    I was frightened to death when I heard gun shots outside my door.
  • for the duration (of something)
    в течение чего-либо
    I had to use my friend's computer for the duration of several weeks.
  • figure on (something)
    рассчитывать на что-либо, быть уверенным
    You can figure on having the job done in time.
  • flesh (something) out
    конкретизировать что-либо; увеличивать
    The boss wanted us to flesh out our business project.
  • firsthand
    из первых рук, напрямую
    They learned the happy news from their friends firsthand.
  • from start to finish
    со старта до финиша, от начала до конца
    The new performance was a great success from start to finish.
  • freeload
    выпивка на чужой счёт, угощение на "дармовщину"
    Kevin likes freeloading, and he is never ashamed of it.
  • for keeps
    навсегда, насовсем; на память
    I asked my friend if I could have the landscape picture for keeps.
  • from door to door
    от двери до двери
    The postman went from door to door delivering mail.
  • falling-out (with someone)
    разногласие, ссора с кем-либо
    Clarissa had a falling-out with her best friend, but they were able to make it up pretty soon.