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fine how-do-you-do
затруднительное положениеThe car broke down on a country road and they were in a fine how-do-you-do.
fill out (something)
заполнить что-либо (формуляр, бланк)I was asked to fill out the form before I could be given a visa.
flying high
быть очень счастливым, радостнымMy roommate was flying high as she had passed her finals well.
flat out
открыто, ничего не таяThe teacher told the boy's parents flat out that he would not be able to pass the exam.
find one's own level
найти для себя наиболее благоприятную позициюIt is the duty of a teacher to help his students to find their own levels.
fit to kill
быть очень нарядно одетым, "быть разодетым в пух и прах"In her beautiful evening dress Minnie looked fit to kill.
flight of fancy
полёт фантазииIt is Sam's flight of fancy to go to the North Pole.
from A to Z
(знать) всё обо всём, подробная информацияMy friend knows about computers from A to Z.
fine-toothed/tooth comb
ничего не упускающая, тщательная проверка; поискThe police went over the area with a fine-toothed comb, but they could not find anybody.
follow (someone's) lead
идти, делать что-либо вслед за кем-то"I want you to follow my lead and do exactly what I do."
fit (someone) into a schedule
найти время для кого-либо"I don't think I can possibly fit you into my schedule today."
free hand
полная свобода для выполнения чего-либоI was given a free hand to do what I thought necessary.
follow orders
следовать приказу, распоряжениюThe policemen were following orders when they searched every corner of the house.
funny business
противозаконная деятельностьThe young man seems to be involved in some funny business which is probably illegal.
familiar with (someone or something)
быть знакомым с кем-либо / чем-либоAdam is very well familiar with the flora and fauna of this region.
feel at home
чувствовать себя как дома"Come on in. Sit down and feel at home."
full of it
полон чепухиThe girl was full of it when she told everybody about her desire to become a top model.
from near and far
отовсюдуThe people gathered from near and far to look at the miracle.
free as a bird
свободен, как птица; полностью свободенI am as free as a bird today so I can do whatever I want.
fight against time
торопиться, делать что-либо предельно быстроThe doctor was fighting against time to save the patient.
fighting chance
хорошая возможность успеха (если постараться)If you try hard, you might have a fighting chance to get this job.
премьера, первый показThe first-run of the new movie will take place next week.
for the heck/hell of it
ради смеха/ удовольствия, "просто так"The kids were wearing funny clothes just for the heck of it.
fool around
зря тратить время, болтаться, бездельничатьSteve spends almost his whole lunch hour fooling around with the girls.
fond of (someone or something)
любить кого-либо; увлекаться чем-либоI am very fond of going places.
for all the world
решительно, во всех отношенияхHe swung about his arms for all the world as if he were going through the sword exercise.
false arrest
незаконный арест, задержаниеToby was detained for assault, but it turned out to be a case of false arrest.
fix (someone's) wagon
наказать, расквитаться с кем-либоI think it's necessary to fix the man's wagon because he has deceived me.
false pretenses
ложно представленные фактыI am sure Pat was acting under false pretenses when she decided to take a part of her sister's property.
for better or worse
на горе и радость", что бы не случилось"Will you take Cecily to be your wife, for better or worse?" the priest asked.
follow through on/with (something)
доводить что-либо до конца, выполнять обещаниеI wished to help my friend with his English, but I couldn't follow through with my promise.
fee simple
полновластное владение недвижимостью; поместье, наследуемое без ограниченийThe estate was held fee simple, that is, with the right to pass it to any heir.
for all I know
насколько я знаюFor all I know, the "Titanic" was the largest ship which could take about two thousand people on board.
free translation
вольный перевод, т.е. не точный переводA translation that is not totally accurate is called a free translation.
fiddle around
возиться, неумело чинитьSue tried fiddling around with the washing machine but it still would not work.