Идиомы на букву F

  • feel free to do (something)
    получить разрешение делать что-либо
    Here is my album; feel free to take any photos you like.
  • footloose and fancy-free
    вольный, свободный от обязательств
    It's good to be footloose and fancy-free so that you can do whatever you want.
  • for free
    I have never been able to get anything for free.
  • free and clear
    полностью (владеть чем-либо), без ограничений
    I own my country house free and clear.
  • free and easy
    непринуждённый, без формальностей
    Allan's behavior in public places is free and easy.
  • free as a bird
    свободен, как птица; полностью свободен
    I am as free as a bird today so I can do whatever I want.
  • free hand
    полная свобода для выполнения чего-либо
    I was given a free hand to do what I thought necessary.
  • free translation
    вольный перевод, т.е. не точный перевод
    A translation that is not totally accurate is called a free translation.
  • free-for-all
    соревнования, дискуссия и т. п., в которых может участвовать любой
    At the party the people were involved in a free-for-all game.