Идиомы на букву F
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fruits of one's labor
плоды своего трудаA lot of New Year's toys were the fruits of our labor.
foul one's own nest
выносить сор из избы", разглашать семейные тайны, стараться очернить близких"Don't foul up your own nest; remember your own kin helped you out!"
from scratch
с самого начала, с чистого листаDavid started to learn painting from scratch.
flip one's lid
потерять терпение, разволноватьсяMy instructor flipped his lid when I told him that I hadn't done my homework again.
from the ground up
с начала, с низшей точкиJim Bobtail designed his house and built it from the ground up.
feel it beneath oneself to do (something)
чувствовать ниже своего достоинства делать что-либоBen is not a decent guy, and I feel it beneath myself to talk with him.
fair to middling
так себе, неважно "серединка на половинку"Jeremy was feeling fair to middling after his heart attack.
for all one is worth
изо всех сил, максимальноHe hung on the rope for all he was worth.
find (someone) innocent
признать кого-либо невиновнымMark Emmerson was arrested for burglary, but the judge found him innocent.
follow the crowd
делать то же, что делает большинство; "плыть по течению""You shouldn't follow the crowd if you really want to become somebody important."
fall/get into the wrong hands
попасть в плохие рукиI want you to be very careful lest these important documents should fall into the wrong hands.
fat is in the fire
дело скверное, быть беде"The fat is in the fire. If you persist in your willfulness, you'll have yourself to blame."
feed the kitty
жертвовать (деньги)We are going to feed the kitty to collect money for the new workshop.
full steam ahead
энергично, "на всех парах"Charles carried out his plan; he went full steam ahead with it.
flea market
барахолка, блошиный рынокI bought a very beautiful old vase at a flea market yesterday.
first come, first served
первым пришёл - первым обслужили"First come, first served," the secretary said to the people waiting for her in the office.
freeze (someone) out
вытеснять кого-либо, избавляться от конкурента или навязчивого человека"Mind, I don't let you freeze me out of the profits of the firm."
from now on
с этого момента и далееFrom now on Jim has been helping his cousin's family to survive.
fit (someone or something) in
находить подходящее место или время для кого-либо/ чего-либо"It is only a small car: do you think we can all possibly fit in?"
fit to be tied
очень рассердиться или расстроитьсяKathy was fit to be tied when she heard that her son had dropped out of school.
fine and dandy
хорошо, здоровоIt is fine and dandy for us that the trip to Holland will take place during our Easter holidays.
few and far between
отделённые большим промежутком времени или пространстваThe distance was vast; small houses were few and far between.
far cry from (something)
большая разница, отличное от чего-либоLord, what a far cry from this man to this woman, he thought.
fresh out of (something)
использовать всё до конца, распродать всёOn the eve of Christmas the gift shops usually fresh out of souvenirs and presents.
free and easy
непринуждённый, без формальностейAllan's behavior in public places is free and easy.
free and clear
полностью (владеть чем-либо), без ограниченийI own my country house free and clear.
for good
навсегдаKimberly left the town for good.
for days/hours on end
много дней (часов) подрядI don't think I can go without food for days on end.
fit and trim
быть стройным, в хорошей физической формеLola goes to the health club because she wants to look fit and trim.
follow up (something)
добавлять что-либоThat remark was extremely witty; Mark followed it up by another one almost equally good.
for free
бесплатноI have never been able to get anything for free.
firing on all cylinders
стараться во всюThey were firing on all cylinders when they began work on the project.
from time to time
время от времениThey go to the theatre from time to time.
fast buck
деньги, заработанные легко и быстро, "шальные деньги"The man is always trying to make a fast buck without working very hard.
first off
первое, первым деломFirst off the dean told the students about the exact date of their exam.