Идиомы на тему Eyes and Ears
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eyes pop out
очень удивиться, "глаза вылезли из орбит"Kelly's eyes popped out when she heard Jeremy's name mentioned in a TV news program.
get an earful
выслушивать критику, жалобыThe dean often gets an earful when he asks the students if they have any complaints.
wet behind the ears
новичок, молокососCathy is still wet behind the ears; she has not yet learned the tricks that the students play on each other.
have (something) coming out of one's ears
иметь изобилие чего-либо"I don't want you to buy any more notebooks; we have them coming out of our ears."
not a dry eye in the house
у всех зрителей глаза на мокром местеThe melodrama was so sad and tearful that there was not a dry eye in the house during the performance.
look at (someone) cross-eyed
посмотреть косо на кого-либоWendy said something unpleasant, and Dorothy looked at her cross-eyed.
out on one's ear
заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо против воли, силой (выгнать с работы, из дома)The student failed to pass exams and was quickly out on his ear.
to the naked eye
на (первый) взгляд, (видеть) невооружённым глазомTo the naked eye it looked like there was little damage to the house after the explosion.
keep an ear out for (something)
прислушиваться, внимательно слушать что-либоMy friend is temporary out of work, and I plan to keep an ear out for any information about a new job for him.
have an eye on (someone or something)
положить глаз на кого-либо \ что-либоIvory had an eye on a beautiful cat which he would like to buy.
believe one's eyes
верить тому, что видишь; верить своим глазамI could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Gilbert in the costume of Father Frost.
as plain as the nose on one's face
совершенно очевидноThe cause of the accident was clearly evident; it was as plain as the nose on my face.
prick up one's ears
прислушиваться, "навострить уши"My parents seemed to be talking about me, so I pricked up my ears.
smile from ear to ear
широко улыбаться (улыбка от уха до уха)Collin was smiling from ear to ear when he saw his friends approaching him.
listen to (someone) with half an ear
слушать кого-либо не внимательно, в пол ухаMy girlfriend always talks nonsense, so I usually listen to her with half an ear.
put a bug in (someone's) ear
нашёптывать кому-либо, вдолбить в головуI wanted to buy a new car so I put a bug in my father's ear.
four eyes
четырёхглазый (часто так дети называют тех, кто носит очки)My son doesn't like to wear glasses because his classmates call him four eyes.
лицом к лицуThey were jammed in the crowd and had to stand eyeball-to-eyeball.
hit (someone) right between the eyes
произвести сильное впечатление на кого-либоHer unbelievable attire hit me right between the eyes.
keep one's eyes peeled for (someone or something)
быть на чеку, следить за кем-либо \ чем-либоBob stood outside the restaurant and kept his eyes peeled for his girlfriend to appear.
keep one's nose out of (something)
не лезть не в своё дело"Please, mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine."
blind leading the blind
слепой слепого водит (о человеке, который сам ничего не знает, но пытается объяснить что-либо другому)"Your attempts to explain to me how to use this camera are like the blind leading the blind."
set one's eyes on (someone or something)
видеть кого-либо \ что-либо впервыеMy sister bought a new house, but I have not set my eyes on it yet.
have one's eyes glued to (something)
пристально следить за чем-либо, смотреть на что-либоThe football fans had their eyes glued to the television screen as a football match was being broadcast.
assault the ears
быть очень громким, "бить по ушам"Our neighbors always play very loud music, and it assaults the ears.
get the eye from (someone)
поймать чей-либо враждебный взглядAs I approached the counter, I got the eye from the bartender and I wondered what the matter was.
in one ear and out the other
в одно ухо влетело, из другого вылетело"Sally is very absent-minded; everything you say to her seems to go in one ear and out the other.
flea in (someone's) ear
резкое замечание, раздражающий ответ, отпорOur boss sent the manager away with a flea in his ear about changing the schedule.
under (someone's) nose
(находиться) у кого-либо под носомI looked high and low for my car keys, but they were right under my nose all the time.
turn one's nose up at (someone or something)
отвергать кого-либо \ что-либоThe young man turned his nose up at the chance to go to an agricultural college.
have one's ear to the ground
слушать совета или предугадывать что-либоThe secretary always has her ear to the ground to watch for possible loss of documents.
out of earshot
вне пределов слышимостиI was not able to hear what my father was saying because I was out of earshot.
have one's nose to the grindstone
усердно работать, быть занятым чем-либоJack has his nose to the grindstone; he is working hard at his thesis.
ears are ringing
звон в ушахThe jazz music at the concert was very loud, and my ears were ringing.
with an eye to (doing something)
с намерением делать что-либоSam Willows bought a big apartment house with an eye to renting it tenants.