Идиомы на тему Eyes and Ears
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all ears
внимательно слушатьThe lecture was very interesting, and the students were all ears.
assault the ears
быть очень громким, "бить по ушам"Our neighbors always play very loud music, and it assaults the ears.
believe one's ears
верить своим ушамI could not believe my ears when my friend told me that he had won a million dollars in a state lottery.
bend (someone's) ear
вести с кем-то продолжительную (нудную) беседу"I am sorry but I have to bend your ear for the problem is very serious."
ears are burning
уши горят (кто-либо обсуждает вас за вашей спиной)Jane's ears were burning; she was sure that someone was talking about her.
ears are ringing
звон в ушахThe jazz music at the concert was very loud, and my ears were ringing.
ears become red
покраснеть от смущенияWhen I asked Paul about his grades at school, he got embarrassed and his ears became red.
fall on deaf ears
пропускать мимо ушей, игнорироватьThe reprimand of Linda's parents always falls on deaf ears.
flea in (someone's) ear
резкое замечание, раздражающий ответ, отпорOur boss sent the manager away with a flea in his ear about changing the schedule.
get an earful
выслушивать критику, жалобыThe dean often gets an earful when he asks the students if they have any complaints.
grin from ear to ear
широко улыбатьсяDavid was grinning from ear to ear when we met; he was obviously glad to see me.
have (someone's) ear
заставить кого-либо выслушать, добиться чьего-либо благосклонного вниманияMaria was able to have the manager's ear and he is eager to help her anytime.
have (something) coming out of one's ears
иметь изобилие чего-либо"I don't want you to buy any more notebooks; we have them coming out of our ears."
have an ear for (something)
иметь (музыкальный) слухNora has an ear for languages; she can speak Chinese, Japanese and a few other languages.
have an ear out for (something)
уметь слушать что-либо, прислушиваться к чему-либоDella had an ear out for any business opportunities that might come along.
have nothing between the ears
быть глупымSara seems to have nothing between the ears as she often makes silly mistakes.
have one's ear to the ground
слушать совета или предугадывать что-либоThe secretary always has her ear to the ground to watch for possible loss of documents.
in one ear and out the other
в одно ухо влетело, из другого вылетело"Sally is very absent-minded; everything you say to her seems to go in one ear and out the other.
keep an ear out for (something)
прислушиваться, внимательно слушать что-либоMy friend is temporary out of work, and I plan to keep an ear out for any information about a new job for him.
keep one's ear to the ground
держать ухо востро"I have been keeping my ear to the ground since I heard the rumors that the President of the company is going to retire.
lend (someone) an ear
выслушать кого-либоI don't like to lend an ear to anyone because I am not interested in other people's problems.
listen to (someone) with half an ear
слушать кого-либо не внимательно, в пол ухаMy girlfriend always talks nonsense, so I usually listen to her with half an ear.
out of earshot
вне пределов слышимостиI was not able to hear what my father was saying because I was out of earshot.
out on one's ear
заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо против воли, силой (выгнать с работы, из дома)The student failed to pass exams and was quickly out on his ear.
play by ear
играть на слух (по слуху)The young woman is blind, and plays the harp by ear.
play it by ear
принять решение в зависимости от ситуацииMark didn't have a definite plan of action; he decided to play it by ear.
prick up one's ears
прислушиваться, "навострить уши"My parents seemed to be talking about me, so I pricked up my ears.
put a bug in (someone's) ear
нашёптывать кому-либо, вдолбить в головуI wanted to buy a new car so I put a bug in my father's ear.
set (something) on its ear
заинтересовать кого-либо чем-либоThe new project set the company on its ear. Everyone got very excited.
smile from ear to ear
широко улыбаться (улыбка от уха до уха)Collin was smiling from ear to ear when he saw his friends approaching him.
talk (someone's) ear off
замучить кого-либо разговорамиThe woman sitting beside me in the compartment talked my ear off.
tin ear for (something)
не иметь слуха, неспособность судить о чём-либоI think Cora has a tin ear for music and she is not able to judge the value of it.
turn a deaf ear to (someone)
игнорировать, не слушать кого-либо \ что-либоI asked Alfred to help me, but he turned a deaf ear to my request.
Walls have ears
нас могут услышать (и у стен есть уши)"It's a secret. Speak in a low voice. Walls have ears, you know."
wet behind the ears
новичок, молокососCathy is still wet behind the ears; she has not yet learned the tricks that the students play on each other.