Идиомы на тему Eyes and Ears

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  • Here's mud in your eye.
    За наше здоровье! (тост)
    "Here's mud in your eye," the man said and raised his wineglass.
  • keep an eye on (someone or something)
    присматривать за кем-либо \ чем-либо
    "The puppy is very naughty. Please keep an eye on it."
  • see eye to eye (with someone)
    сходиться во взглядах с кем-либо
    William doesn't see eye to eye with me in this question.
  • keep one's eye on the ball
    быть внимательным, не упускать из виду основной цели
    "I wish you could keep your eye on the ball or you will never make any progress with your Italian."
  • have stars in one's eyes
    глаза сверкают от счастья
    The figure skater had stars in his eyes when he won a gold medal at the Olympics.
  • get a black eye
    получить синяк под глазом, "подпортить свою репутацию"
    Robert didn't want to tell me how he had got a black eye.
  • have a good eye for (something)
    уметь правильно судить о чём-либо, иметь хороший вкус
    I asked my friend to help me buy a winter coat as she has a good eye for clothes.
  • only have eyes for (someone)
    быть верным только одному кому-то, смотреть только на одного
    Julian was in love with Theresa and only had eyes for her.
  • play it by ear
    принять решение в зависимости от ситуации
    Mark didn't have a definite plan of action; he decided to play it by ear.
  • have an eye for (something)
    знать толк в чём-либо, быть ценителем чего-либо
    She has an eye for precious stones.
  • eye of the storm
    в центре внимания (окружающих); в центре событий
    If something goes wrong, Bert is going to be in the eye of the storm.
  • fall on deaf ears
    пропускать мимо ушей, игнорировать
    The reprimand of Linda's parents always falls on deaf ears.
  • pull the wool over (someone's) eyes
    вводить кого-либо в заблуждение, "втирать очки"
    "You are telling me a pack of lies. Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes like that."
  • all ears
    внимательно слушать
    The lecture was very interesting, and the students were all ears.
  • apple of (someone's) eye
    чей-либо объект любви, привязанности (свет очей, зеница ока)
    Kelly's little son is the apple of her eye.
  • in the public eye
    в центре внимания, на виду
    The politician has been in the public eye since he was involved in a fraud.
  • catch (someone's) eye
    привлечь чьё-либо внимание
    A bright butterfly on the window-sill caught my eye.
  • all eyes
    смотреть во все глаза
    When the children saw an elephant in the zoo, they were all eyes.
  • have (someone's) ear
    заставить кого-либо выслушать, добиться чьего-либо благосклонного внимания
    Maria was able to have the manager's ear and he is eager to help her anytime.
  • give (someone) a black eye
    поставить кому-либо синяк под глазом, подпортить чью-либо репутацию
    My boss tried to hush up the scandal; he didn't want the company to be given a black eye.
  • have a nose for (something)
    иметь нюх на что-либо
    Peter had a nose for finding cheap computer disks.
  • keep one's ear to the ground
    держать ухо востро"
    I have been keeping my ear to the ground since I heard the rumors that the President of the company is going to retire.
  • cry one's eyes out
    плакать, глаза выплакать
    The little girl cried her eyes out when she lost her favorite doll.
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face
    причинить вред себе, желая досадить другому
    If David refused to make any advantageous deals, he would be cutting off his nose to spite his face.
  • have eyes in the back of one's head
    не видеть, но чувствовать, что происходит; "иметь глаза на затылке"
    I don't have eyes in the back of my head; I am not able to understand what's going on if I can't see.
  • pay through the nose for (something)
    платить бешеные деньги за что-либо
    Ken made his family pay through the nose for keeping him out of bankruptcy.
  • keep one's nose clean
    не нарываться на неприятности
    Jacob was never able to keep his nose clean, and eventually he got into trouble.
  • turn a blind eye to (someone or something)
    не замечать кого-либо \ что-либо
    Adam preferred to turn a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign.
  • keep one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    I am going to keep my nose to the grindstone so that I can save enough money to go on a holiday to Italy.
  • lend (someone) an ear
    выслушать кого-либо
    I don't like to lend an ear to anyone because I am not interested in other people's problems.
  • put (someone's) nose out of joint
    обидеть кого-либо
    I didn't mean to put my friend's nose out of joint when I criticized his work.
  • have an ear for (something)
    иметь (музыкальный) слух
    Nora has an ear for languages; she can speak Chinese, Japanese and a few other languages.
  • sight for sore eyes
    приятное зрелище, желанный гость
    "You look gorgeous! You are a sight for sore eyes."
  • make eyes at (someone)
    строить глазки, флиртовать с кем-либо
    Marion tried to make eyes at Jimmy, but he paid no attention to her.
  • out of the corner of one's eye
    мельком взглянуть, увидеть краем глаза
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel approaching me.