Идиомы на тему Eyes and Ears
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keep an eye out for (someone or something)
следить за появлением кого-либо \ чего-либоJohn kept an eye out for the arrival of his train.
able to (do something) with one's eyes closed/shut
уметь очень легко делать что-либо (с закрытыми глазами)Nick is very good at repairing computers, and he was able to fix my computer with his eyes closed.
feast one's eyes on (someone or something)
любоваться кем-либо \ чем-либо, наслаждаться зрелищемSitting on a bench in the park, he feasted his eyes on the fresh green leaves.
have one's eye on (someone or something)
присмотреть что-либо, положить глаз на кого-либоI went shopping for clothes and had an eye on a nice pair of jeans.
bend (someone's) ear
вести с кем-то продолжительную (нудную) беседу"I am sorry but I have to bend your ear for the problem is very serious."
give one's eye teeth (to do something)
очень хотеть сделать что-либо, готов всё отдатьGeorge would give his eye teeth to move to Chicago.
make oneself heard
говорить громко, чтобы быть услышаннымThere was such a pandemonium in the classroom that the monitor could hardly make herself heard.
close one's eyes to (something)
игнорировать, закрыть глаза на что-либоSamantha decided to close her eyes to her family problems.
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
око за око, зуб за зубNever call for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when somebody hurts you; it won't make your pain less.
cast an eye over (something)
быстро прочесть или просмотреть что-либоSam cast an eye over the letter he had received.
talk (someone's) ear off
замучить кого-либо разговорамиThe woman sitting beside me in the compartment talked my ear off.
win by a nose
незначительно опередитьJeremy was about to get the job, but Lionel won him by a nose.
ears are burning
уши горят (кто-либо обсуждает вас за вашей спиной)Jane's ears were burning; she was sure that someone was talking about her.
grin from ear to ear
широко улыбатьсяDavid was grinning from ear to ear when we met; he was obviously glad to see me.
look down one's nose at (someone)
смотреть свысока, "воротить нос" от кого-либоTamara is very arrogant; she always looks down her nose at everybody.
follow one's nose
идти прямо вперёд, следуя интуицииJim followed his nose until he found the movie theatre.
in the twinkling of an eye
очень быстро, "в мгновение ока"We gathered our belongings in the twinkling of an eye and went off running with the best will in the world.
hard of hearing
плохо слышащийMy grandfather, who is nearly ninety, is almost blind and hard of hearing.
can't see beyond the end of one's nose
не видеть дальше своего носаGina had no idea about what was happening around her; she could not see beyond the end of her nose.
give (someone) the eye
посмотреть на кого-либо неприязненноI gave the young man the eye because I didn't like the way he was being downright rude to his mother.
naked eye
невооружённый глазThis is the truth; and even a very short-sighted person can see it with a naked eye.
raise eyebrows
вызвать чьё-либо неодобрениеRon raised eyebrows when Steve failed to complete his job in time.
on the nose
точно в назначенное время или местоWe agreed to meet outside the movie theater at six and I arrived on the nose.
keep one's eyes open
смотреть в оба, быть настороже"I've been keeping my eyes open and have seen a nice sofa at a reasonable price."
evil eye
недобрый глаз, способный причинить вредZahra is believed to have an evil eye, and people try to avoid her.
put (someone's) eye out
выколоть кому-либо глазJeremy became blind as he accidentally put his eye out.
believe one's ears
верить своим ушамI could not believe my ears when my friend told me that he had won a million dollars in a state lottery.
all eyes are on (someone or something)
все глаза устремлены на кого-либо \ что-либоWhen the singer came out onto the stage, all eyes were on him.
in one's mind's eye
мысленно, в чьём-либо воображенииSeveral times he played the game "in his mind's eye" and in each case he lost.
blow one's nose
сморкатьсяJack took out a big handkerchief from his pocket and loudly blew his nose.
play by ear
играть на слух (по слуху)The young woman is blind, and plays the harp by ear.
hold one's nose
неохотно соглашатьсяMy boss asked me to stay after office hours and I had to hold my nose though I had other fish to fry that evening.
have one's nose in the air
важничать, "задирать нос"I don't think much of Gina; she is very conceited and has her nose in the air.
have nothing between the ears
быть глупымSara seems to have nothing between the ears as she often makes silly mistakes.
turn a deaf ear to (someone)
игнорировать, не слушать кого-либо \ что-либоI asked Alfred to help me, but he turned a deaf ear to my request.