Идиомы на тему Body

  • go/be belly up
    разориться, обанкротиться
    William was afraid lest his small book store should go belly-up.
  • press the flesh
    пожимать всем руки (чтобы приобрести популярность)
    If a politician wants to be more popular, he should press the flesh of the public at large.
  • wring (someone's) neck
    быть очень сердитым на кого-либо (желать свернуть шею)
    I was ready to wring Samantha's neck for having spoilt my holiday.
  • throw one's weight around
    осуществлять нажим, настойчиво использовать своё влияние
    Charley likes to throw his weight around to get what he wants.
  • over one's dead body
    не позволить, "только через мой труп"
    Over my dead body will I let my daughter go out with Tim.
  • broad in the beam
    иметь широкие бёдра
    Sara was thin in the waist but a bit broad in the beam.
  • get/have a frog in one's throat
    болезненное ощущение в горле (из-за простуды) поэтому трудно говорить
    Jane has got such a terrible frog in her throat that she cannot say a word.
  • with every (other) breath
    (постоянно) говорить, повторять что-либо
    My mother always tells me with every other breath not to come home late.
  • shove/force/ram (something) down (someone's) throat
    силой получить чьё-либо согласие относительно чем-либо, навязывать что-либо кому-либо
    I was forced to agree to his conditions because he literally shoved them down my throat.
  • breathe easy/easier
    расслабиться, вздохнуть свободно (после стрессовой ситуации)
    Lola is able to breathe easy now; she has just found her lost passport.
  • words stick in one's throat
    с трудом говорить из-за волнения, "слова застряли в горле"
    I wanted to console Myra because of her loss, but the words stuck in my throat and I couldn't say a thing.
  • shoot from the hip
    говорить прямо и откровенно, "рубить с плеча"
    Ben always shoots from the hip and as a result gets into trouble now and then.
  • grab (someone) by the throat
    что-либо, что возбуждает чувства (интерес, волнение, страх)
    The performance grabbed me by the throat; the acting was so exciting.
  • split one's sides (with laughter)
    надрываться от смеха, "лопнуть со смеху"
    "I'll tell you a good story which will split your sides with laughter."
  • drop/dump (something) in (someone's) lap
    навязать что-либо кому-либо
    I didn't expect my boss to dump so much work in my lap that day.
  • have/get butterflies in one's stomach
    чувствовать страх или беспокойство
    I got butterflies in my stomach when I went to a job interview.
  • tan (someone's) hide
    наказать, нашлёпать кого-либо
    I told my brother that I would tan his hide if he used my computer again.
  • cut/pare (something) to the bone
    урезать что-либо до минимума
    The president said it was necessary to cut all the expenses to the bone if they wanted to save the company.
  • cut/slit one's (own) throat
    самому себе доставить неприятности, перерезать себе горло
    "If you don't pay mortgage on the house in time, you'll cut your own throat."
  • stick to one's ribs
    хорошо наесться, плотно покушать
    My mother is a wonderful cook; everything she cooks sticks to our ribs.
  • go for the jugular
    напасть на кого-либо с целью причинить наибольший вред (нанести удар в шею, где проходит ярёмная вена)
    Aram had been waiting for so long to attack his enemy; now it was time he went for the jugular.
  • grate on (someone's) nerves
    действовать кому-либо на нервы
    My neighbor is constantly having wild parties, and it is beginning to grate on my nerves.
  • not breathe a word (about someone or something)
    не выдавать секрет (о ком-либо \ чём-либо)
    "Can you promise not to breathe a word about my engagement?"
  • touch/hit/strike a raw nerve
    задеть за живое
    My friend didn't understand that she had touched a raw nerve when she had asked me about my relationship with Mark.
  • sweat it out
    терпеливо пережидать что-либо (неприятное)
    There were no vacant rooms in the hotel, and we had to sweat it out until someone signed out.
  • crick in one's back/neck
    болезненный спазм шеи или спины
    Evidently I caught a cold for I woke up this morning with a terrible crick in my back.
  • wet one's whistle
    выпить (что-либо спиртное), "промочить горло"
    Uncle Sam told Steve to wait outside for a minute while he went in to the bar to wet his whistle.
  • gut feeling/reaction/response
    интуитивное чувство, предчувствие, реакция
    When Swan entered the room, he had a gut feeling that he was being watched.
  • stick in (someone's) throat/craw
    неприятная, раздражающая ситуация; "застрять, как кость в горле"
    I failed my English exam last semester, and the failure sticks in my throat.